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Russian Cultural Factors In Chinese Vocabulary Teaching

Posted on:2013-03-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Q N N J BuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330377450708Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Because of the special connection between language and culture, the culture elementsshould be mixed with the language studying in the foreign language teaching. Thelanguage lexicology is the largest carrier of culture. To help Russian students in solvingproblems brought by the Culture Shock, we can combine the language and the culture partswhere culture is input in the practical teaching. In this way of teaching, Russian studentscan understand, learn and practice Chinese language faster and achieve better results intheir education process.Unfortunately, until now, in the Russian-Chinese lexicology teaching process, there aresome basic vocabulary and cultural issues in practice, that are yet in-depth study.According to previous theoretical point of view, the Russian students in the use of Chineselanguage often making mistakes, these mistakes related to their different culture, languageuse, meaning, and so on. Author found that the reason is in the lack of understandingChinese culture. To increase knowlege of Chinese culture among Russian students, to useChinese lexicology and avoid mistakes, author in her research decided to tie up theChinese language teaching process with features of Chinese culture. Experiments showthat this method of teaching Chinese language with cultural elements is effective.
Keywords/Search Tags:Teaching Chinese lexicology to Russian speakers, culture elements
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