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The Combination Of Shaanxi Tourism Souvenirs Cultural Element And Art

Posted on:2013-04-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330374971938Subject:Industrial design engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Souvenirs, on behalf of the local natural factors, cultural factors and other unique gifts. In a way, tourist souvenirs can be regarded as a place "image of endorsement." Tourist souvenirs is decided to appeal to tourists has long been an important factor in tourism to economic benefits, including the city, including the national regional policy of the tourism product mix, they usually focus on travel agencies, hotels, construction, light tourist souvenirs developed resulted in travel agencies, hotels extraordinary development, the development of tourism souvenirs, keep up the pace of tourism development. Combined with the cultural elements of the theory of community tourism souvenirs research, which is an important factor in the tourist souvenirs has been unable to represent a cultural image.Enhance the cultural connotations of Xi’an tourist souvenirs for this, this thesis of cultural elements, analysis studies the cultural elements of the intervention has very important significance, and conclude that the whole idea of the development of Xi’an tourist souvenirs. To explore and research papers, respectively, from the following sections:introduction on the development trends of the tourism and cultural industries and the cultural background of the development of tourist souvenirs detailed explanation, and to clarify the topics of practical significance and necessity, while the meaning as defined in this thesis, content, methods and innovations. Second, analysis of the distinctive culture of tourist souvenirs and cultural and performance artistry. And in accordance with the cultural type of tourist souvenirs, divided into functional design, pure decorative design and a combination of functional and decorative design. This section focuses on the cultural expressions in the design of tourist souvenirs, which leads to the content of cultural expressions of the third chapter of the physical materials in the design of tourist souvenirs. Third, the first material from the substances both decorative and metaphorical, discusses the material properties of the material, then from the type of combinations of division and material point of view on the division of physical materials in the design of tourist souvenirs split by mode problem. Fourth, the meaning of symbols, the symbols in the design of tourist souvenirs of cultural expression, tourist souvenirs external constitute a factor analysis and the four aspects of the cultural elements of tourist souvenirs, discusses the cultural expressions of the non-material cultural elements in the design of tourist souvenirs. Fifth, the general shopping psychological needs of the visitors an overview, leads to the analysis of the Xi’an tourism consumption, so the reasoning Xi’an tourist souvenirs in the design concerns. Through the exposition of the first five chapters, the final conclusion.The papers from the theoretical and practical combination of point of view, from outside to inside, inside and outside the dialectical analysis of the importance of cultural elements in the design of tourist souvenirs.
Keywords/Search Tags:tourism souvenirs, cultural elements, tourism souvenir design
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