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"chu Ci" Continuous Measurement Research

Posted on:2013-06-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330374954420Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As our romantic poetry creation fountainhead, ChuCi is far-reaching impact onlater literature. The book consists of nineteen volumes. There are a number of binomewords (联绵词)in the book. The number of binome words in ChuCi more than the otherwritings of the same period. However, scholars are often studied to binome words orChuCi.They Almost not linking ChuCi with binome. This paper will to do exhaustivestatistics in binome of ChuCi and analysis one by one.The selected corpus is morecomprehensive, with new perspective and advanced method for continuous phraseclassification study. At the same time to explored and annotated obscure binomewords.Hope to provide valuable language material for the stage of the chinese-termstudy.The paper first introduced of ChuCi, which included contents as well as thepredecessor’s research results of ChuCi. Then introduced the sources of data andexplains the research methods: from the collected data to determine the binome wordsstandard, To segment the binome words according to the definition of the binome. Next,use computer software to conduct statistical and analysis all the binome words. Finallycome to the conclusion: there are about95percent binome words in ChuCi have asound link between two characters which consist of a binome. Therefore, we canclassify binome words from the Phonology. But a few binome words without rhymeconnection, which requires us not from a simple rhyme link in judging the binomewords, but also consider at the meaning and combination. In order to avoid errors, weshould comprehensive the three judgments. In additions, Adjectives occupied themajority of binome words, followed by nouns, verbs, and interjection onomatopoeia.Adjectives reduplicated words in accounting for all adjectives53percent.It has a long time of ChuCi from now; it contains a large number of rare binomewords and obscured words. The paper has noted the obscure binome words. We foundthat two significant characteristics by arrangement: firstly, it has different meanings bythe same shape of binome words; secondly, it has different shape but the samemeanings. The innovation of this paper: data comprehensively, therefore poetic coupletcotton word statistics do exhaustive and omission of words; to use computer software topoetic couplet cotton undertook detailed statistics and in accordance with the frequencyfrom high to low are descending order. Using the form according to the table ofcontents order poetic couplet cotton word alignment, we can see the distributionvisually.
Keywords/Search Tags:ChuCi, binome words, statistics, classification, notes
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