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Eight Mountain Man Age Calligraphy Style Research

Posted on:2013-01-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330374497461Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Pa-ta Shan-jen have extraordinary talent, brewing completely do the calligraphy style of the predecessors, the wonderful view the ancient and modern history of calligraphy is a unique different interesting, It’s without parallel in history or without a follower. But as a survivor of the former, and return to the mountain to convert to a buddhist monk, and his later years, from vulgar experience, from his school books mileage point of view, Pa-ta and not from the impression of an era, middle-aged study of Dong Qi Chang, in his later years to write seal script and devote themselves to study tiny regular script are all good evidence. He was born in war-torn society, experienced a change of regime in a variety of roles, witnessed the early Qing active academic thought, but also often to endure the torment of the disease, however, the Pa-ta no mather in or out, he can always be spared the attitude frank face themselves and their fortune and have maintain contact with the comnuiniiy.Calligraphy style of Pa-ta Shan—Jen and old age into several elements were reviewed and summarized the relevant points of the scholars involved in the past, as far as possible to elaborate on several major factors to affect the calligraphic style of Pa-ta Shan-jen old age, at the same Lime by author art practice is a factor may be ignored by scholar’s in the past and give further explanations. This article does nol warn to just simply a general summary of ease studios, and strive to lie comprehensive summary of the various elements of the affect the old age of Pa-ta Shan-jen a11igraphy, as well as how various elements in the Pa-ta physical interaction of fermentation and extracted like this presents an artist is how to adhere to their own life and the pursuit of art, rather than to succumb to the in crowd.Pa-ta Shan-jen charm and art istic accompl ishmonts are worthy of more research and thinking for us.1think that is very important point to studying: How to learning ancient cal1igraphers can truly know yourself and treat yourself. We should not become the accessories of ancient cal1igraphers, we should not become the puppet of the the aimless ideal world, we should be ourself. This is the main ideas of this paper is to elaborate.
Keywords/Search Tags:survivor, Pa-ta Shan-jen, Good at enlightenment
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