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Ethical Considerations Of Demolition Of The Rights And Interests Conflict

Posted on:2013-06-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J X LiuFull Text:PDF
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The demolition is the hot spots of society nowadays, and its core issue is the conflict of rights and interests. In the eyes of ethics, the dissertation mainly focused on the conflict of rights and interests between public authority and individual right, between different entities in demolition. It tried to discuss the problem of coordination of interests among each interest entity in demolition under the framework of social justice, who has dual identity of "economic person" and "moral man". Its purpose was to advocate public ethic spirit of government in order to let public governance turn to a goodness one, to give ethical warning and conscience inspiration to developers and householders in order to cause them to respect and concern for the individual rights and to carry forward human subjectivity and value, to unify objective goodness and means goodness.Some interest conflict lied among the interest entities, such as government, developers and householders. The government was on behalf of the public interests during the demolition, but the government interests was not equivalent to public ones, because the government often tended to deviate from its publicity for its own sake. Developers often used devious means in demolition for their pursuit of commercial interests. There were some conflict between the government and developers, but they often formed interest alliance for their own interests, which will hurt the individual interests of household, the vulnerable groups, and made the conflict of demolition more complex. The interests were the basic motivation and value objectives of all activities. And interest entities all had dual identity of "economic man" and "moral ones". When selfishness of "economic man" over expanded, the self-discipline of "moral man" will atrophy. The expansion selfishness of government will lead to alienation of public authority, the excessive pursuit to maximize profits of developers will led to their lack of social responsibility, and excessive right demand of householders will to moral anomie. The main way to solve moral anomie of interest entities was to institution design of justice. The principal value of the institution was to reflect social fairness, justice. And righteous institution was regarded as "heteronomy" to protect the legal rights of interest entities. Justice in substance embodied in the fair compensation assessment system and fair and reasonable compensation principle, while justice in program embodied in the establishment of equal, harmonious, open, transparent system and interest coordination mechanism. Besides that, interest entities ought to implement effectively their moral responsibilities. Those of government were to give some public interests away to individual ones, to coordinate various interest entities and to make its governance to a goodness one. Those of developers were to grasp the limits of the pursuit of commercial profits, to use the honest means and follow the market competitive law of equality and mutual benefit, while those of householders were to have the correct moral understanding to individual rights and personal property protection, and holding justice for them may be the correct moral behavior. In a word, all interest entities should take moral responsibility as a "self-discipline" to realize the perfect unity from "I want" of economic man to "I should be" of moral man.
Keywords/Search Tags:Demolition, The conflict of rights and interests, Ethics
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