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Some Works Of Prose Appreciation Teaching Research In The New Period

Posted on:2013-04-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y M QinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330371975946Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After surveying the middle school Chinese text books, We find that Modern prose takes up a large proportion. These proses are written in modern times, and taken into account the theme, style, style diversity, readable. If teachers guide students to analyze the train of author’s thought, find works of artistic conception and language, can cultivate literary taste, rich vocabulary, and improve the ability to control the language. However, in the practice of language teaching, I found the actual teaching effectiveness of prose masterpiece is not very ideal, lack of enthusiasm of students for such prose, teachers in the actual teaching of such prose there is too much emphasis on the analysis or explain, but neglect of personality of the tendency of interpretation.In this thesis, starting from the personality characteristics of the Prose, educational theory based on the language, learn from our traditional methods of literary appreciation, and to absorb our rich experience in prose teaching, combined with a large number of instructional design and teaching cases, I want to do some research on the literary appreciation teaching. First part:first defines the concept of Prose, through the use of the comparative analysis method, and make comparison between Yu Qiuyu and Qin Mu, Zhang Chengzhi and Lu Xun, Shi Tiesheng and Shen Congwen, to highlight the characteristics of the three proses. This part is mainly to establish the value basis of research. Second part: analysis the prose one by one. Include:the definition of the appreciation of teaching; appreciation of Prose; how to build teaching design. This part is mainly through the teaching value of the combing works, and then finds the best way of teaching design. Third part:from the perspective of teaching practice-a typical case of analysis to explore effective ways to solve the problem, in accordance with the teaching case analysis-to find the cause of the problem-"dialogue" between teacher and student. This part is mainly to solve "how to develop the teaching of the prose appreciation".
Keywords/Search Tags:contemporary prose, special teaching value, prose appreciation teaching, conditions for the creation of"dialogue"
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