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Theory Of Zhu Xi's Shi Ji Zhuan Renovation Of The Preface To Small

Posted on:2013-10-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330371481810Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
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Zhu Xi finished the comments on The Book of Songs until he had altered twoformer drafts. Originally, Zhu Xi made the comments in accordance with Xiao Xucompletely. Then he abandoned Xiao Xu and chose Zheng Qiao’s theory. Finally, ZhuXi accomplished Collected Commentaries on The Book of Songs and created a newera for“The Book of Songs”from Song Studies.This thesis consists three parts as follows:In ChapterⅠ, the author analyzed the transformation on Xiao Xu by Zhu Xi’sCollected Commentaries on The Book of Songs. The author compared the poems inThe Book of Songs according to the definition on the poems’meaning in CollectedCommentaries on The Book of Songs and Xiao Xu. Then made a conclusion in threeaspects: First, Zhu Xi’s Collected Commentaries on The Book of Songs made atransformation on protagonist in Xiao Xu. This transformation seems more apparent inZhou Nan and Shao Nan. In Collected Commentaries on The Book of Songs, imperialconcubine, the protagonist in Xiao Xu, had been changed into Wen Wang and imperialconcubine. Morever, the exposition of Wen Wang seems more important. This changereflected Zhu Xi’s mind-set of establishing monarchial power. Second, CollectedCommentarieon The Book of Songs made transformation on the“complaining andsatirizing poems”defined by Xiao Xu. This transformation seems more apparent inZheng Feng and Xiao Ya. Zhu Xi removed the meaning of“complaining andsatirizing”among political poems in the two books and pursued the initial meaning.Third, Collected Commentaries on The Book of Songs made a transformation on“poems of praise”defined by Xiao Xu. Another,Zhu Xi’s Collected Commentaries onThe Book of Songs elucidated Xiao Xu’s exposition of The Book of Songs fromhistorical perspective.At the same time, Zhu Xi’s Collected Commentaries on TheBook of Songs chose Shi Ji,Guo Yu,Chun Qiu, Yue Ji and other books as evidencematerial. It illustrates the two books arriving at the same end by different means orroads. Their final aims were all satisfying the need of politics.In ChapterⅡ, the author approached the reasons of the transformation on Xiao Xuby Zhu Xi’s Collected Commentaries on The Book of Songs. This thesis expatiated onthe question from the internal causes and external causes. On the one hand, duringSong Dynasty, peasant uprisings and barbarians’invasions had never been eliminated.Such political and geographical environment got worse in Zhu Xi’s Times. In order to maintain the regime of Song Dynasty and establish regal status, Zhu Xi abandoned the“complaining and satirizing”meaning in Xiao Xu for its negative influence onmoderating social contradiction.Zhu Xi had changed his position from obeying XiaoXu to abandoning it for its strong character of political civilization. However, as amatter of fact, the publish and spread of Collected Commentaries on The Book ofSongs just proved the character of political civilization in this book had beenemphasized merely in a more implicit way instead of being abandoned.In ChapterⅢ,the author analyzed the gain and loss of transformation on Xiao Xuby Zhu Xi’s Collected Commentaries on The Book of Songs. This thesis made acollation on Summary of the Catalogue of Sikuquanshu and Compilation of Summaryof the Catalogue of Sikuquanshu. It regarded that since Collected Commentaries onThe Book of Songs had been regulated as textbook of imperial competitiveexamination from Yan You Times, the influence of the book had lasted till theRepublic of China.There had been three trends about Collected Commentaries on TheBook of Songs in the field of The Book of Songs: The first one is obeying andexplicating this book;the second one is supporting the theory of Xiao Xu and fightingagainst Zhu Xi’s idea; the third one is holding a balance between two theories. Thethree trends illustrate that one of the“gain”of transformation on Xiao Xu by Zhu Xi’sCollected Commentaries on The Book of Songs is conjecturing the initial meaning ofpoems, restoring the reality of poems and redefining poems in The Book of Songs.Accordingly, one of the“loss”of transformation on Xiao Xu by Zhu Xi’s CollectedCommentaries on The Book of Songs is the lack of textology and the controversy onphonology. The negative influence cannot be neglected.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhu Xi, Collected Commentaries on The Book of Songs, Xiao Xu, transformation
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