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Application Of Plasma Radiofrequency Treatment Of Nucleus Pulposus Curative Effect On Cervical Spondylosis Of Vertebral Artery Type And Sympathetic Nerve Type Analysis

Posted on:2014-02-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2244330398953212Subject:Traditional Chinese Medicine
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Background:CS is a common clinicaldiseasegradually extendedalong withthe development of society, high loadworking pressureanddeskwork time, andtheincidenceofcervical spondylosis is growingyearbyyear. Its mainclinical manifestations are neckpain.discomfort, neck-shoulderstiffness, soreness-numbnessoftheupper extremity, abnormalphysical feeling-walkinggaitinstability and limb muscle strengthdeclinebarriers. Diagnosisofnerve roottypecervical spondylosisandcervical spondylotic myelopathynow arenotcomplexorthopedic surgeons with generaldetailedhistory, carefulphysical examination andimaging studiescombinedwithworkexperiencewill be able toaccuratelylocatethetypeofcervical spondylosisandclearpositionnerve compressioninjury site.Timelydecompression will get a goodtherapeutic effectfor the causeofthenerve. However, therearesomedifficulties inthediagnosisand treatmentofvertebral artery typeandsympathetic cervical spondylosis.At present, oursegment mainly are the following types:cervicalspondylotic radiculopathy, cervical spondylotic myelopathy, Cervical Spondylopathy of Vertebral Artery andsympatheticcervical spondylosis. At our country and abroadforthediagnosis andtreatmentofcervical spondylotic myelopathyandnerveroot type cervical spondylosishave basicallyreached a consensus and have formedbasicnormsofclinics. Vertebral artery typeandsympathetic cervical spondylosis, itspathogenesisarenotvery clear, and thereforeinthe diagnosisand treatment of there are alot ofcontroversy. Thecervical spondylosissecondsymposiumof Chinese medicine practitionersand scholarssympathetic cervical spondylosisdefined as:degenerative changesofthecervical discirritationoroppression ofthecervical sympathetic nervefibers, causingthereflexsymptoms. The clinical symptoms ofheadache, dizziness, tinnitus, tachycardia, blurred vision, limbcold, etc. mainlysympathetic nerve symptoms. Itsmainly reflecting which is inincreased sympatheticlocalexcitatorycontractionofthedistributionofthenerveintheneckuponthevertebralarteriescan lead toalackofblood supplyofbloodvessels, headaches, dizzinessandothersymptoms; arteriessuch as oyeandeararterybranchexcitedcontractionoftheblood vessels and nervesmay occurdepending on the material, blur, tinnitusandother symptoms; thesympathetic nervegastrointestinalMinistryvagusnervewhich is inhibitedshowsgastrointestinal reactionssuch as nauseaandvomiting; palpitation,heart palpitations and othersymptoms.Thetypicalclinical manifestationsofcervical vertebral arterydisease caused byturning around andrelated with vertigoattacks, is mostlyshort-termkind ofvertigo. It iscausedbyachangeinposture. Restoretheneutral position, thehead ofthesymptomswill graduallydisappear.Patients areafraid to turnsevere symptoms which can occursyncope, cataplexy; can also beaheadache, palpitations, ringing in the ears, blurred vision, nausea, and other symptoms. Clinical symptoms areparoxysmal.There is not manypositivesigns in interictalnormalphysical examination. Do the relevant checks may befound thatvertebral arterystenosis.There are lots of research on the sympathetic cervical spondylosisandcervical vertebral arterydiseasepathogenesis. Scholars believe that cervical instabilityisone of the reasonscausingthevertebral arterysympathetic cervical spondylosis.Thesympatheticsymptomsoftenimprove when underwent open surgery, butthemajorityofclinicalvertebral artery typeandsympatheticcervical spondylosisnoclearsigns ofcervical instability.Studies have shown thatitslineofanterior cervicalintervertebraldecompressionafter internal fixation of these patientssymptomscan also ease.Objective:On the one hand to identifyVACSandSCS, on the other hand to introduce the application of nucleoplasty of percutaneous hypothermic isoionic radio requency ablation teratment with cervical spondylosis and evaluate the clinical value of Nucleoplasty of Percutaneous Hypothermic Isoionic Radio Frequency Ablation Treatment.Methods:1. To retrieve information about the cervical vertebral artery disease and sympathetic cervical spondylosis literature summary of their diagnosis,routine treatment, and comparison between them. To introduce50cases at the age of33to80years old with cervical disc herniation confirmed by MRI, X-ray and sympathetic cervical spondylosis or cervical vertebral artery disease clinical symptoms, and received percutaneous nucleoplastywith being analyzed retrospectively by postoperative Macnab score. Results:All cases were followed-up from3to12months (average10months)after operation.(Most by phone) The symtoms of50cases had improvement in different degrees. According to the modified Macnab therapeutic evaluation criteria.excellent result was seen in30,good result in4,fair result in6and poor result in1Ocases.with a total effective rate of80.0%.No serious complications occurred in all patients.Conclusion:1. VCS with SCS clinical interaction interrelated, there are some similarities between them about the treatment.There are some rules for the distribution of sympathetic nerve in the neck.2. Under mastering indications strictly,the percutaneous nucleoplasty possesses many advantages,including simple mani pulation, safe, minimally invasive and curative effect well in the near future, and is effective, and safe interventional method of invasive teratment withVertebral artery type cervical spondylosis and sympathetic cervical spondylosis clinical...
Keywords/Search Tags:VCS, SCS Minimal invasion, Coblation Nucleoplasty
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