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Professor Zhang Jingsheng Treatment â… , â…¡ Clinical Experience Of Myasthenia Gravis

Posted on:2013-06-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y GuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2244330395979095Subject:Integrative Medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Myasthenia Gravis (MG) is to pass a nerve-the neuromuscularjunction (NMJ) dysfunction in autoimmune diseases. Involvementin this disease to muscle fatigue easily, can be partiallyrestored by rest is characterized by the body can be affected,to the most common ocular worse respiratory muscle involvement,myasthenic crisis can be life threatening.Treatment of the disease of modern medical applications ofcholinesterase inhibitors, glucocorticoid hormones,immunosuppressants achieved a certain effect, but there areserious adverse reactions, easy to relapse after disadvantages;thymoma removal surgery and plasma disposal techniquetreatmentfor the disease, but because of the narrow range of applications,there are invasive, there are certain risks, limiting itsapplication.Chinese medicine will be vested in a myasthenia gravis in thecontext of the flaccidity that the disease is mostly due to thefeelings of evils, inherent within the injury blog, dietexerting causes of the five internal organs damaged, fine Tianjin lack of blood depletion, tendons and muscle dystrophyand hair. Holistic treatment, dialectical play, type oftreatment, and achieved good effect.Professor Zhang Jingsheng career in medicine more than50years, good governance TCM medical diseases, Jew goodmyasthenia gravis treatment. Professor Zhang is summed up inthe long-term clinical myasthenia gravis pathogenesis of thespleen and kidney deficiency, blood deficiency, limb musculardystrophy walls of the spleen and kidney, lifting the yang ofthe disease treatment and self Astragalus compound the effectof the treatment of myasthenia gravis significantly to providean effective method for the treatment of myasthenia gravis, nowProfessor Zhang clinical experience are summarized below.
Keywords/Search Tags:Myasthenia Gravis, deficinecy of both spleen andkidney, clinical experience, Astragalus Compound
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