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Kouhui Professor Wei Qi Camp Blood Theory Experiences For The Treatment Of Influenza

Posted on:2013-05-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J C LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2244330395979092Subject:Integrative Medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Influenza is an acute respiratory infection caused by influenza virus,is also a common, contagious and spread fast disease. A great impactto the character health and life. The etiology and pathogenesis ofthis disease is more complex. The flu virus is to stick to the virusfamily, RNA virus pathogens are divided into A, B, C three types ofinfluenza virus. Mainly through droplets in the air, human contactwith contaminated items contact transmission. The typical clinicalsymptoms: Jiqi fever, body aches, significant fatigue and mildrespiratory symptoms. If not treated, with further aggravate thecondition can continue to develop severe pneumonia, acuterespiratory distress syndrome, pulmonary hemorrhage, pleuraleffusion, pancytopenia, renal failure, respiratory failure andmultiple organ damage and even death. General fall and winter seasons,the crowd is generally susceptible to the incidence and the highmutation rate, and seriously endanger the quality of human life and safety of life, it should be noted that this period of time to enhancephysical fitness, to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude,prevent colds. This paper describes the Bandits division for theunderstanding of influenza, as well as the pathogenesis, Experiencesin the law of mass change and dialectical theory of governance.Kou-shih says that influenza attributable to the Chinese traditionalmedicine "OK cold,""epidemics","OK" disease, febrile disease areas.My teacher believes that the influenza etiology is nothing less thanrighteousness and evil invasion, evil can the performance of gas andwarm when the non-evil of the Six Exogenous Evils. Its pathogenesisis the evils violation of lung health, lung health, therefore, tophysically weak evil scrape hair disease."Treatise on" and "WarmFebrile Diseases," its conduct a comprehensive summary of the sixmeridians "and" Wei Qi Ying blood sanjiao dialectical two systems.Combination nowadays flu characteristics in the treatment of theBandits division to be good at as a whole to grasp the developmenttrend of patient’s condition, inherit and carry forward the tradition of medical characteristics, triple burner dialectic is by, Wei QiYing blood defense certificate for the latitude, symptomatictreatment, making the Chinese medicine in treatment of influenza hasa unique and give a lot of inspiration and help alleviate clinicalsymptoms, improve quality of life and disease prevention and control.
Keywords/Search Tags:influenza, interstitial pulmonary fibrosis and treatment, Experience
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