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To Build The Spirit Of The Living Space

Posted on:2014-01-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2242330398958296Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of economy, people have gradually emancipated from thelife where the essence is to survive. What modern men pursue is delicate furnishingand easy life, which has had a tremendous influence on the interior furnishing art withthe idea of light decoration and heavy ornament. In this process, people realize thatthe people-oriented concept need to be blended into furnishing and the humanisticdesign makes the exterior living environment resonate with the inner space. Frominterior design to humanistic furnishing, it easily catches the hosts’ attention andcultivates their taste.The basic focus of design is always the life and people living in it. What farbeyonds design is how to grasp the environment and, directly or indirectly, pass somekind of temperament to the visitors and deliver a sense of belonging. To understandand achieve this goal is the mission of a professional designer. The reason for me toconcern about the living space is because of the design experience which focuses onthe inner feeling of the living, especially the attention to human mental activity in thespiritual space and the influence it gets from furnishing. Then what is spiritual space?Spiritual space is, from the perspective of cultural significance, the way in whichpeople lengthen the time they satisfy their desires, which exactly opens up a newspace-spiritual space. And from the perspective of interior design, this thesis’srecognition of spiritual space is based on the division of virtual and real space. Thereal space is what the solid portion of the space occupies, while the virtual space isthere is no barrier and people are allowed to move around freely. When people’sfeeling resonates with the furnishing art, the spiritual space occurs. The spiritual spaceallows people not only spiritual enjoyment but also spiritual conversation.This paper searches about the function of furnishing art in interior design whichnot only enhances the spatial quality but also gives spirit to space. This thesis isdivided into five parts. The first part is introduction, depicting about the researchbackground and significance. The second part is about virtual space, disserting thefurnishing art that embodies the spirit of space and investigates the power of virtualspace from the its influence on people’s lives. The third part means to deliberatelydeconstruct art furnishings from four aspects, namely, the classification of furnishing,the way of furnishing, the artistry and characteristics of furnishing, the comprehensiveof indoor furnishing. Part four, which is also the most important part, mainly describesthe feasibility for furnishing to play important role and relation between living spaceand public space. Part five tries to analyze the method for constructing spiritual spacethrough the specific case of the Club Design of Hang Zhou Xi Xi Green Grass. The last part is conclusion.The initial purpose of design is to satisfy the basic needs. Now it has passed thatperiod. The trend for focusing on the spiritual needs and human being’s inner feelingcan not be stopped.As a designer, they must realize that design is closely related with daily life andcultural psychology. The fundamental task is from life and for life. Designers mustspare no effects to work hard on furnishing and dig the inner demand which can makethe most spiritual enjoyment with the least design input, letting the spirit of art lastforever in people’s life.
Keywords/Search Tags:Display art, Living environment, The ecological idea, The spirit of space
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