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Traditional Chuangyou Decoration Design Research

Posted on:2013-03-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X YinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2242330377953431Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The decorative design of ChuangYou, as one of the important design elements ofChina’s traditional building, its function, material, process and the form of the designingredients, are all standard traditional building’s decorative processing technique,and its special cultural connotation profound influence the traditional residentialbuildings, landscape construction, landscape Settings and crafts, folk art in theconstruction technology and the creative art levels. Especially in the Ming and qingdynasties in the jiangnan region, ChuangYou graphic design, color design, decorationmeaning and the manufacture craft have the classic local characteristics, representedthe highest level of China building and ChuangYou. This paper will combine thesuzhou garden of the Humble Administrator’s Garden, The Lingering Garden’sChuangYou design as the examples, this paper discusses the adornment design ofChinese traditional ChuangYou features, and expounds that the traditional decorationculture has the enlightenment and the reference value of exploratory in the moderndesign behavior.The first chapter:traditional ChuangYou illuminative history; The secondchapter:the analysis of traditional ChuangYou adornment design characteristics;Chapter3: the analysis of traditional ChuangYou illuminative modellingcharacteristics analysis; Chapter4: the analysis of traditional ChuangYoudecoration fill characteristics; Chapter5: the analysis of traditional ChuangYouadornment the process characteristics; Chapter6: the traditional ChuangYou style’sapplication in modern decoration design.
Keywords/Search Tags:ChuangYou, Decoration, Tradition, Humble Administrator’s Garden, The Lingering Garden
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