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A Report Of E-C Translation Of Your Artist’s Brain Based On Skopos Theory

Posted on:2014-02-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S H DanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As people’s living standards improve, an increasing number of Chinese are eager to learnsomething more in different fields. This is the reason why guide works become more andmore popular. The translation of guide works is categorized into pragmatic translation, so itsfeatures are different from those of other kinds of translations such as literary translation.Therefore, there is much limitation to the application of the traditional translation theories inguide works translation.This report is based on the author’s practice of translating Your Artist’s Brain which is aguide book on painting teaching. There are five parts in the report, which mainly discussedthe difficulties the author encountered and the different methods and strategies the authoradopted during the translation. Meanwhile this report also attempts to take Skopos theory toanalyze translation of Your Artist’s Brain from functional perspective and puts forward someprinciples and strategies suitable and useful for guide books translation.In the report the author first briefly introduces the whole translation task and thenanalyzes the features of the source text Your Artist’s Brain which are also the most difficultparts during the translation process. The body of this report is devoted to the translationtechniques employed by the author when translating the source text Your Artist’s Brain.Guided by Skopos Theory, the author illustrates the different translation techniques with theexamples from this translation practice. In the last part, the author summarizes the wholereport and offers some suggestions to those translators who may encounter the similar sourcetext in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:pragmatic translation, Your Artist’s Brain, Skopos theory, translation techniques for YourArtist’s Brain
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