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A Study Of Vocabulary In The Guide To Kuan Hua

Posted on:2014-02-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M W DengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330398454593Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Guide to Kuan Hua is one of the practical and oral Beijing dialect teachingmaterials at Japan’s Meiji Period. Rokkaku Tsuneyuki said: since the Meiji15(1882)to Showa20(1945),the book has become one popular and classic chinese-leaningtextbook.The paper researches from the vocabulary angle and it is divided into fivechapters: The first chapter, which is a brief introduction and a research profile to TheGuide to Kuan Hua. The second chapter investigates the primary vocabulary of HSKin The Guide to Kuan Hua.The third chapter investigates the senior vocabulary ofHSK in The Guide to Kuan Hua. The forth chapter studies the special words of TheGuide to Kuan Hua, for example, business words and official words. The fifth chapterconcludes the changes of vocabulary from The Guide to Kuan Hua vocabulary to theHSK vocabulary, and the cultural factors in the vocabulary of The Guide to Kuan Hua,which also summaries the deficiencies in the study at last.Compared HSK vocabulary and vocabulary of The Guide to Kuan Hua, theHSK vocabulary of level one to three reflect the stability; they had widespread usedduring the later period of Qing Dynasty, a very small number of words on behalf ofnew things absorbed into the basic vocabulary. The HSK vocabulary of level four tosix reflect the gradual change, and the utilization and reproduction rate is far lowerthan the previous vocabulary,and it absorbed more new words. As the surface andintermediate layer of the Chinese vocabulary, it is inclusive and gradient. In addition,the business and official words in The Guide to Kuan Hua are very developed, whichshow the prosperity of the commercial activities during the later period of QingDynasty, as well as the specialties of the rite culture of China and the thought ofbureaucracy.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Guide to Kuan Hua, vocabulary, HSK, culture in the vocabulary
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