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Research On Chinese Vocabulary Teaching Methods In Korea

Posted on:2014-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330395994101Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, the popularity of Chinese has continuously increased worldwide.Many foreigners started to learn Chinese and showed great interest in Chinese culture.At the mean time, the enterprise of internationalize Chinese also thrives, manyteachers and volunteers are sent to different countries to teach Chinese. The teachingmethods proposed in this paper are based on the reality of Chinese vocabularyteaching and my one-year teaching experience in Korea, and the result ofquestionnaire. I hope this may contribute to teacher’s future work.This paper is divided into five parts, hereby follows the content:The first chapter is introduction, which introduces the background, reason andmeaning of the topic, defines the researching area of the paper, and clarifies the sourceof the corpus.The second chapter is a comprehensive research of vocabulary teaching methodused in TCFL, which includes the reality of TCFL, reviles the problems, and pointsout the creativity of the paper.Chapter three is an analysis and research of Chinese vocabulary teaching’s realityin Korea and reviles several problems in vocabulary teaching.Chapter four introduces some specific Chinese vocabulary teaching methods toKorean students. According to the writers teaching experience, several teachingmethods, such as antonymy.Chapter five is conclusion, which sums up the whole paper, points out someproblems in contemporary researches, and hopes that they will be perfected in futurestudy and practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:TCFL, Vocabulary, Teaching Methods, Korea
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