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Research On The Effect Of Cultural Industry R&V Alliance Partner Selection On Alliance Performance

Posted on:2013-09-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C YanFull Text:PDF
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Today, the cultural industry becomes the most potential investment industry,its development space and the potential is huge. The party’s sixth plenary sessionthrough17th of the CPC central committee for deepening the reform of thecultural system to promote socialist culture development and prosperity ofseveral major issue decisions emphasizes to develop the cultural industry fromglobal and strategic height. What is more, the size of our cultural industry isgeneral small, it do not have international competitiveness, and do not haveadapted to the rapidly changing market. Therefore, we need a comprehensive,systematic and profound cultural industry development strategy to promotecultural industry reform which was activated into a new period. The gather ofnetwork information and the rise of R (Reality real resources)&V (Vitalityvirtual resources) alliance, provides a new perspective for the development ofcultural industry, taking pate in R&V alliance becomes a important way topromote culture industry performance and create the sustainability of culturalvalue. The previous study of the theory about strategic alliance showed thatpartner selection of strategic alliance has important influence on the performance.Therefore, it is necessary for this paper to study the R&V cultural industryalliance performance and how to choose R&V coalition partners to raise allianceperformance.Analysis and evaluations on the related theory about the R&V alliance ofculture industry, the selection of coalition partners and the alliance performancelaid a theoretical foundation of studying what impact the culture industry R&Vcoalition partners choice plays on the alliance performance. defining andanalyzing the R&V alliance’s concepts and features, it analyzes the formation cause of the cultural industry R&V alliance based on the strategic managementtheory and analyzes the formation paths of the alliance R&V based on the pare tooptimality theory and studies alliance partners by introducing the trial and errormodel and improves efficiency of partner selection by using value judgmentmodel. From the two dimensions market and resources,it analyzes the choice ofR&V partners, deeply studies the microscopic mechanism about market andresources impacts on the alliance performance based on collective strength,member conflict, dependence of the alliance conditions of the R&V alliance forintermediary, and puts forward the relevant hypothesis. A questionnaire surveybased on the connotation and measure method was conducted to study how theselection of R&V alliance partners influences the alliance performances, and putforward relevant empirical enlightenment and suggestions. To the benefit ofimproving the core competitiveness of the cultural industry of our country, thenpromotes sustainable development in art and science field in our country.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cultural industry, R&V alliance, Partner selection, Allianceperformance
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