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The Commoner Scholars Look At Life

Posted on:2013-10-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Q LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330395966859Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
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Late1980s to the early1990s,Zhang Zhongxing’s work frequentlyappeared in the major newspapers and magazines,the collection ofessays,”FuXuan petty words”publication to let him knoemore readrs tounderstand and love. Since then,Zhang Zhongxing been publisher in a“FuXuan continued”,”Shun Sang On fleeting broken shadow”,”Zenoutside said Zen” and other writings.Zhang Zhongxing worksattractive,not only because the book is written with a different content ofpopular culture,but in this world of scarcity thinking,he let people see theold,”May Fourth individulism type of scholars. Scholars as a highlytraditionai influence of the May Fourth individualism,his life,adhere toondependent thinking, rely on their own independent judgment to seepeople looking at things, the universe, life has its own thinking andinsights. His presence in China can be described as a unique presence.To a Bank of elderly people many evaluation:“learning in thedlderly, the literayr world”,“eclectic”,“superb”,“linguist”,he consideredmost suitable for him should be “thinkers” because “his life sober, notconfused, not blind pbedience, or just do noe believe everything in doubt,do noe easily deceoved.“Hw was a man of profound thinking of thephilosopher, his endless thinking about the proposithion and the life.Recuont the eve of the human reason to find the source of all lifefrom the various schools of philosophy, with a deep sense of history andthe human character and his life to focus on individual feelings, that thelives of ordinary mortals is resl life, with ordinary mortals folk with gasand native gas side in ordinary life flashed a broad ideological feelings, itwas his spirit, one of the most significant feathure.Zhang Zhongxing the emergence of communication between theMay Fourth era and the present era. Living in today’s era, we from him,either to explore intellectuais independent personality and spiritualtradtions, but also oriented to find some tips for the present society withits own development. Therefore,as Chinese intellectuals in the twentiethcentury, a type,Bank of profound social and cultural value. In order toachieve the purpose of this study, the trunk of the paper consists of threeparts, the idea is as follows.The first part: commoner origins of philosophy scholarsZhang Zhongxing has in-depth study of traditional Chiense cultureand Western culture, attainments. His idea is a combinathion of Easternand Weatern philosophy, not only absorbed the essence of traditionaiChinese culture, and from the pick the wisdom of Western philosophy.Firstly,Zhang Zhongxing’s philosophy origin of a basic comb andinducation, which helps to have a basic understanding of the choice of hissttitude towards life. The second part:civilian position look at lifeIn addition to the Eastern and Western philosophy accepted by theintellectuals, Zhang Zhongxing’s thinking has a profound civilianthinking.His life at the bottom of socirty deeply feel the world well-beingis closely related with the little people feel life,indeed,both full of thekonwledge of the cultural aristocracy, but also the civilians living in theunderlying secular society part of the people. Zhang Zhongxing’s life is tothink about the proposition of the philosophy of life, all around thiscarried out, in the face of the confusion of life, his philosophy of life:Shunsheng theory.The third part: commoner aesthetic spirit of the civilian worldscholarsWriting is the expression of a mind of his thinking to experience life,this paper mainly discusses remember people in its prose, the prose, andwrite essays. Zhang Zhongxing, recorded in his article, many people toassociate with him,in the hand, with the vision of the “history”commentson the various characters, on the other hand also the Character Portrayalignited his own life philosophizing. Zhang Zhongxing good to capture theunique things in the description of the items form the issue of theuniverse, life,life issued by the philosopher-style sigh, the things hedescribed can be said that the combination of poetry and rational.Zhang Zhongxing life, in this paper to select the main line, with the specific text analysis of the prose works, and discusses his uniquephilosophy of life and value choices. Independent thinking, effoutstoward toward open, and his unique outlook on life values, I believe thatthe growth of modern living in today’s society is a profound reminder.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhang Zhongxing, Commoner sholars, Philosophy oflife, Prose
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