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Official Position Of The Han Commoner

Posted on:2012-10-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330341450874Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Qin and Han in ancient China, has an important position can not be ignored, Qin and Han dynasties is a unified and powerful feudal dynasty, but short-lived Qin Empire died, so its influence throughout the Chinese civilization lasted four hundred years relative to the fortunes of the Han, it is a little less of. Often in history "Han Qin system, "said the intention is to reveal the number of Chinese policy initiatives are inherited Qin dynasty. Qin Dynasty in Chinese history as the first unified feudal empire in Chinese history is indeed a profound influence on development, but because it ultimately lead to the implementation of draconian laws II died. Qin died out rapidly so that a series of its grassroots policies, laws and so have no chance to reach the relative degree of perfection.Once powerful moment in the peasant uprising against the Qin Empire rapidly disintegrated, and from the peasant uprising in the rise of Liu Bang established the Han, New fall of the Qin Dynasty Han Dynasty learn the useful aspects of the policy initiatives to consolidate and develop their own, which is worth of a commoner is introduced into the officialdom of the policy initiatives of civilians! Commoner Going to enter officialdom, even to the case of high Qingxiang already appeared in the Spring and Autumn Period, Qin Tongyiliuguo reason to finally be able to more thorough reform, and it can be accepted in the larger context of talent into the rule layer of a commoner for my own use. The use of the commoner who Qin certainly achieved a relatively high level, but we also have to admit, inherited the system of the Han empire The selection and use of the commoner talent has reached a relatively large scale. More special is that since the entire ruling class of Chinese descent tend to the whole populace, especially the founding emperor of the Qin emperor Liu Bang was only a small Ting Zhang, and so came to the Han and Qin commoner Going to the situation Compared, there was a more specific change. Han Ting attention commoner class status in the country, and protect their part of the power, but because of a greater degree of background issues out of restrictions on the use of personnel, Han rulers promoted the selection of personnel system to a wide range of commoner open to civilians, and their practice to a large number of people to enter officialdom commoner. Han rulers from both subjective and objective contributed to the commoner class of large-scale access to officialdom, which a large number of micro-commoner who was born poor, They will have a more resilient, able to withstand more suffering, not easy to be tempted by fame and fortune, and determined the well-being for the people, the more important that they fully understand the aspirations of the people, the lower people are most eager to know what it is. Because of this, they can more effectively the implementation of the people urgently needed initiatives. The results of their implementation of these initiatives is to better meet the needs of the people, the country is in a state of relatively stable. Because of their actions protect the country's long-term stability, but also to the maintenance of the Han people for mental enhancement, and the people to strengthen the dependence of the Han court, social harmony which has been strengthened. Large numbers of civilians in the Han rulers commoner support, encouragement toenter officialdom, they rely on their own hard work, hard work, honesty, respect, responsibility for the Han to the world by the early fast undone one by one into the Golden Age . Whether or Western Han and Eastern Han Dynasty have no shortage of commoner origin have made great contributions to society officials. Han Cheng Qin eclectic system down as much as possible attention to employing qualified personnel, but also because a large number of founders and the founding emperor of origin are relatively low, making it move more popular, easier selection of commoner talent.The officials who came to commoner "To Jun Yao and Shun, and then the customs soon, " Hoi An River to clear. Willing to hardship, willing to be patient and willing to go to the country's most needed. Official position and they do not care about fame and fortune, only to the well-being for the people, they have done for the people into the vast collection of river silent silent moisture Han people, The fortunes of Han made an indelible contribution to long!Paper is an attempt to reveal the Han Dynasty to commoner Going to advance to this new level, these officials, the rise of the Han played a strong and long-term stability which can not be underestimated. Han commoner in particular through the origin of the phase gun keep a summary of achievements, in order to better understand the positive aspects of commoner Going to commoner origin and these officials the impact of the Han Empire. In order to prove the power of the Han, although the result of many factors, but one in particular is the large number of commoner can not ignore the positive effect produced by official position.
Keywords/Search Tags:Going to commoner, Western Han, Eastern Han
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