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A Study On VOGUE

Posted on:2013-04-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q B ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
VOGUE, which is a fashion and lifestyle magazine, is the leader in current fashionmagazine industry. VOGUE has kept its own characteristics throughout its120’s history and hasbeen given trust and recognition by the readers and insiders for its unique perspective andprofessional editorship. As a result, VOGUE is honored as fashion bible. No matter in theaspect of quality and sales volume or innovation and industry cohesion, VOGUE is much aheadof other fashion magazines. VOGUE not only delivers the latest fashion news and lifeinformation to its readers, it also supports the development of the whole fashion industry bymeans of its resources advantage. Its power is beyond a simple fashion magazine, it has beenstanding on the core of the fashion magazine industry.So, it is very necessary to do research and study on VOGUE. This thesis takes the past tenyears’ America VOGUE as a case, study on VOGUE fashion magazine. Based on the analysis onthe status quo, content feature and cultural meaning of VOGUE, which include female cultureand consumer culture, the thesis tries to figure out the successful experiences of VOGUE so as toprovide valuable information and new thoughts for Chinese fashion magazine industry. Theconclusion of this thesis can be summarized as follows: VGOUE’s success owes to high qualityof its content, its innovative spirit and its co-prosperity consciousness with fashion industry. Atlast, suggestions are put forward for the Chinese magazines both from the inside and outside.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fashion Magazine, VOGUE, Inspiration
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