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The Study On The European Continent Alliance System During The Seventies And Eighties Of The Nineteenth Century

Posted on:2013-04-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y P WeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330395484728Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From1870s to the eve of the First World War, Germany experienced a rise ofpowerful, and ultimately to launch the course of World War.Germany relative to otherEuropean countries to achieve reunification relatively late, But it is to achieve a rapid risein the short span of four decades,and Became great power to plagued Europe. This isinextricably linked with the foreign policy taken by Germany after the founding in1871.The latter half of the19th century, Germany achieve the reunification of the countrythrough three dynastic wars in1871, in order to made the new country survival anddevelopment, according to the prevailing domestic and international environments,Germany to take the foreign policy of area conservative,use the conflict betweenEuropean countries,signed the covenant with the major European countries,made othercountries into the continent alliance system using a variety of means. In order to defenseenemies French revenge, Germany has signed offensive and defensive Covenant orneutrality agreements with Austria-Hungary, Russia, Britain, Italy, Romania and otherEuropean countries, these together form the European continent alliance system withberlin as the center.The final formation of the Europe an continental alliance system was a product ofspecific historical conditions.First, the domestic situation after the reunification ofGermany is the internal root of the system formed. Second, the complicated internationalsituation in Europe at that time and Germany’s own geopolitical factors ware its externalroots. Finally, European continental alliance system set up is derived from the balanceof power considerations.The european continental alliance system wovel by Germany created a relatively stable international environment, to help Germany achieve a rapid rise. Learning fromhistory, the situation in China today has a lot of similarities to that in Germany at thattime. China also has many neighbors,in unfavorable geopolitical environment, nationalunity, national strength has been improved rapidly. Later how to deal with other countriesin the relationship, how to seek more room for development, the rise of German in theprocess of external strategic and diplomatic behavior to provide a meaningful revelationfor a rising China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Germany, Europeall continental alliance, System, Balance ofpower, Geopolitics
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