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Compose Words Of Mechanism And Scene Semantics Of "由"

Posted on:2013-07-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P P HouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330395479699Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article takes the preposition mark-"由" as the research object, with the " LabelingTheory ", the "Three-Plane Theory ", the “Error Theory” as the main research methods, and madea more detailed analysis and elaboration for the Construction mechanisms, semantic and error ofthe preposition mark"由".This article contains five chapters, includes the introduction and the body and so on.Introduction describes the research approach, the main point of this article, the main theories ofsyntax, data sources, and the major significance.Chapter II made a detailed description for thehistory and research status of “常规由字句” and”非常规由字句”, At the same time focus onthe Evolution of the preposition-"由"。Chapter III divided the “由字句” into three categoriesaccording to the needs at first, the “常规由字句”、the change of常规由字句and the commonframework of preposition-”由”, farther more, made an analysis and interpretation, from theperspective of prepositional structure.Under the guidance of Shen Jiaxuan’s asymmetry thetheory and new markers theory, Chapter IV divided the preposition mark "由"‘s situationalsemantics into three categories,“施事主体标记由字句”、”根由由字句” and the “时地由字句”and made a detailed explanation to the situational semantics of the three prepositionalmarks-“由”,by combined with deep case grammar and a large number of cases. An innovation ofthis paper is that Use the mark theory to explan the situational semantics,and It also laid thefoundation for making an error analysis to “由字句”.Based on the analysis of Beijing languageand Culture University HSK dynamic composition corpus about preposition "由" errors, andcombine with the author’s experience in teaching Chinese as a foreign language, Chapter V madean exhaust type description and analysis for the three common errors of prepositions mark-"由",fused the detailed error and the Chinese classroom teaching together, and indicate that how toexecute scientific and effective conduct of the second language teaching for the prepositions mark-"由" and get the Multiplier effect. The research for the error of “由字句” fills the blank in thefield of study on the preposition "由" errors, also this is another innovation of this paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:“由”sentence, compose a mechanism, scene semantic, labeling, Error
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