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Ten Years’ Life And Creation Of Du Fu In Chang’an

Posted on:2013-03-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y TanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330395479505Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Du Fu, as one of the most important poets of the Tang has a special position, asthe "combination". Either a poem or a thought has been the focus of study on ancientscholars. Many research areas are very mature, also made a great deal of research, butChang on his poetry during the period of research is relatively weak. On du Fu’spoems of Chang-an during the creation of this article on the basis of in-depth anddetailed study, analysis of its subject matter content and artistic style of poetry, andexploring the lives of Chang-an during the influence of experience on the creation andinfluence on later generations of poetry creation in this phase. Full text addition to theintroduction and conclusion is divided into four sections:The first chapter of history and poetry works, such as data, Du Fu in Chang-anduring the life experiences associated with his work, discusses the works of Du Fu inChang-an experience of life on impact.Chapter Ⅱ by Du Fu Chang-an analysis of ten years of life experience mentalchanges, and embodiment in creation.Chapter Ⅲ on the art characteristics of Chang an ten-year summary, separatelyfrom the subject matter, genre and creative skills to analyze their work.The fourth chapter, discusses the creation of Du Fu’s poems of Chang an ten-yearachievement and influence. Poems by Du Fu Chang-an during the short review ofaspects of innovation and development. Laid the emphasis of Chang-an during thecreation of his later poems, and the transformation of its ideological influence on thecreation of.
Keywords/Search Tags:Du Fu, Poetry, Thought, Life, effects
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