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The Research On Preposition Of MoZi

Posted on:2013-08-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330395472727Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
MoZi is an important work on studying the school of Mo in the pre-qin period and the thought of Mo Tzu.It mainly recorded the activities and political speeches of Mo Tzu. There were also some remarks about logic, natural science and military defenses, thus it was thought to be one of the richest work in content among all the series of books about the masters in the pre-qin period. This thesis is a research about the preposition system,an important part of speech in Chinese in this book, which has a variety of usages and is also complicated in the meaning, origins, usages and other aspects. MoZi also has a high value in literature. It was the first book which wrote the prose in a debate style and recorded many oral speeches of the pre-qin period as well. So it provides excellent materials for the study of the characteristics of Chinese in the pre-qin period. Before this thesis, most scholars are concentrating on the collation, annotation, collecting lost as well as the further study of its philosophical thoughts and political ideas. However, there is a short of the study about the grammar. Considering this, I will take preposition,the important part of speech, as the object of study in this thesis and have a comprehensive study and description about its distribution and usages thus to reveal the changes and development of preposition and the great value of this classical book on grammarThis thesis takes part of typical preposition as the object of study and draw lessons from Chen changlai and Jin changji,using their thoughts of classification of preposition in modern Chinese, separates the words into seven species to find their different grammatical functions.According to words’ usage frequency,I can get acknowledge of application range as well as the degree of its common usage, and finally find the development situation and distribution of preposition in the middle and later stage of Warring States Period.
Keywords/Search Tags:Grammar system, research of classical book, preposition, MoZi
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