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Homonious Yet Different

Posted on:2013-08-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330395466996Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Great progress has been made in the past twenty year’s study of WangMeng’s literary work. Much research has been done on his work’s creativeideas value and the narrative method. More work need to be done When westudy his work in a system dynamic way in the new period of literarydevelopment. Therefore, the author chooses this new field of Wang Meng’sresearch direction-“Wang Meng’s literary work in the new period”andtries to create a dynamic research of his literary work, finding itscharacteristic of "Homonious yet different".As a kind of research method, literary thoughts begin to get attention inthe new period, and they present the vigorous development trend. In practicalstudy of literary thoughts, people often regard "creative thoughts" as "literarythoughts", and take the two phrases the same. In the paper" the literaryinstitution and trend of thought in literature", Zhang Yongqing pointed outthat literary thoughts mainly include two aspects, namely the creativethoughts and theoretical thoughts. While the creative thoughts are the mainliterary trends, in the process of understanding a literary phenomenon, weneed to use creative thoughts as the ’ hub ’ to discuss.This paper mainlydiscusses Wang Meng’s literary work on the "creative thoughts" named “Literature”, and then expands the significance of Wang Meng’s literary workin the new period.The first part: The literary thoughts in the new era and Wang Meng’sliterary work.After crushing the "Gang of four”, the Chinese literary circles appeared aliterary spewing situation. Each literary thought changed rapidly, and bannertransforms as clouds. This part mainly describes Wang Meng’s literary work,such as " scars-a reflection on the literary trend","New Literature","theliterature ideological trend","popular literature" and so on.The second part: Wang Meng’s literature significance in the new period.After the return, Wang Meng created literature with great enthusiasm.There is no doubt that he has made great contributions in the new period. Hewas one of the representative writers of literature innovation and became thefocus of controversy.He was the first to propose that the "fairplay" should be implementedthrough a series of speech. This paper named it as "the modern rational spirit".By applying the “choice strategy”, Wang Meng adopted the “Stream ofConsciousness” in the creation so that his works have withstood the test in thenegative argument, and some restricted areas were inadvertently broken.In the1990s,Wang Meng used Bakhtin’s "Carnival Theory" to liberateindividual surrounded by "Cultural Revolution" language, then reappearedthat revolution history with" keep" and " cheat". In a word, realism is the basic orientation in Wang Meng’s creation. Hisbasic writing style is realistic, but he puts realistic, modern and post-moderntogether which presents ‘harmonious yet different’. This is his value andsignificance in the new period of literature ideological trend.
Keywords/Search Tags:homonious yet different, literary thoughts in the new period, Wang Meng’s literary work
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