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A Study Of The Logic Of Modern Chinese Discourse

Posted on:2013-03-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F LiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The logic of language range rather widly, and the logic of modern Chinese discourseis a branch of it. Its main content is the logical structure of modern Chinese discourse thatis, those logical applications and relations in chapter structures. Its key points are situatedfor those applications of logical forms and logical methods in chapter structure, as well asits influence on chapter structure.Logic is the discipline for human thinking. Human thinking is abstracted as concept,judgment and reasoning, and language is the expression of the way of thinking, andchapter is the expression for language. Therefore, the chapter has become one of theexpressions of human thinking. Where there is thinking, there should be logic and logicalthinking is inseparable in modern Chinese discourse. Concept, judgment and reasoningcorrespond in language to words, sentences and paragraphs. Language is constrained bylogical thinking, and language must be logical in order to form a valid expression. ModernLogic of Chinese discourse focuses on those applications and impact of logic in modernChinese discourse, that is those roles of form of logical thinking and logical ways ofthinking in modern Chinese discourse structure.Relative to macro research, the logic of chapter focuses on specific chapters, whichare micro areas, but also systematically and globally. This paper started form modernChinese grammar, discourse structure, and logical thinking, aimed to explore the impactsof applications of logical thinking in modern Chinese discourse structure and mode. Thisstudy will be helpful for people to promote logical thinking, making language expressionmore standard.
Keywords/Search Tags:modern Chinese discourse, logical form, logic method, logical structure
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