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The Value Of Old Saying In Shaping The Personality Of The Modern Youth

Posted on:2013-04-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C R QuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330392457334Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This is the introduction of the paper researching how old saying train and educatespersonality of youth as well as how to use the proverb to cultivate personality. At thebeginning of article by using the negative effects to youth produced from community,which makes the personality crisis in youth to illustrate the importance of educating theyoung personality, then followed by interpretation of the concept related to old sayingsand youth personality making the readers have a clear understanding of the object of thisarticle; According to previous study, many researchers point out the value of old saying inpeople’s culture. In addition, they also use old saying to express person’s character andmoral value. Classified from the spread and practicality as well as the practicalsignificance, researching the effects of saying in the social production and how it helpspeople to learn traditional culture, as well as to explore the natural. By the methods citedto prove how old saying educate and train youth from different perspective, at themeanwhile, the folk saying is a kind of special and practical approach to retain thetraditional culture. Saying can also improve the self-cultivation of people’s moral, extendtraditional heritage, and reflect the traditional virtues of the nation. Finally, in order to getthe better education and cultivation, it is necessary to advocate the people to continuallyexcavations with a wide range use of common saying.
Keywords/Search Tags:Personality, youth, education and training, old saying
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