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Study On Xie Lingyun’s Philosophy Of Life

Posted on:2013-05-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330377459934Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Xie lingyun was a great poet in china’s southern and northern dynasties, who hadgreat contribution to the rising of painting poetry and obtained high achievement. In"song book xie lingyun biography", Xie lingyun was assessed that his poem is sobeautiful that the poets in the southern couldn’t surpass. However, because he waslived in the period during the changes between Jin and Song dynasty, so his thought inhis all life was in the contradiction between becoming an official and just a hermit.His position swung between official and hermit. He was so confused that he couldn’tpersist one for a long time.Based on fully comprehension of xie lingyun’s poetry, this thesis tries to interpretthe reasons why he was so confused between becoming an official and just a hermit inhis all life from the angle of philosophy. Through the interpretation, this thesis aims toreveal a painful and proud haughty soul in the condition of the disintegration ofaristocratic politics and the reproduction of autocratic imperial power.This thesis is divided into four parts. Chapter one describes xie lingyun’s livingtime, family background and personality traits. The causes of his tragic fate wererevealed from macroscopic angle. Chapter two discusses xie lingyun’s life philosophyinfluent by view of religious life and confucianismethic life value in the pre-Qindynasty. And confucianismethic life value finally led his tragic destiny. Chapter threeanalyses xie lingyun’s life philosophy influent by Taoism and the metaphysics of lifephilosophy which play down the contradiction between becoming an official and justa hermit. And then the tendency finally disappeared. Chapter four analyses the reasonwhy his confusion in his life finally disappeared on the basis of the chin philosophy oflife new become Buddhism. xie lingyun life predicament and shi’s production, thedesalination hidden conflicts and eventually disappear work as clues through thethesis.Because this thesis is about philosophy, xie lingyun’ poetry artistic achievement is neglect. However, in my opinion all the theory about study of art will finally point tothe pursuit for justice. Therefore, xie lingyun’s tragic fate and great personality, aswell as his painting poetry, will always hang in the bright sky of brightness culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:xie lingyun, Life philosophy, Shi hidden conflicts
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