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The Research Of Ethics Narration In Yishu’s Novels

Posted on:2012-01-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330374995757Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Yi Shu and Jin Yong, along with Ni Kuang are known as the “TheThree Wonders of Hong Kong Popular Literary”. Yi Shu is good atcreating romantic fictions, and has published more than180novels duringthe past ten years.Yi Shu is commanded as “A Spokeswoman of Hong Kong “city”,because she displays the affection, hateness, animosity of the citizens wholive in Hong Kong.Her story are based on love affairs of white-collarwomen, so her novels are particularly popular with white-collar women,even called as “white collar textbook.”This article summarizes the ethicalthemes in Yi Shu’s novels, generalize the variational modes of ethic ormorallity, and then discusses the reason why the author establishes theethical construction from the two aspects. One is the influence of HongKong urban culture, the other is urban narrative tradition of ethicalnovels.Finally, the thesis expounds ethics narration in Yi Shu’novels inuse of narrative theory.The first chapter discusses the ethical narrative forms and theircharacteris-tics in Yi Shu’s novels.In the “ethics of freedom individualnarration"”, Yi Shu depicts ethical situation in Hong Kong, whichdistinctively has the feature of "pragmatism". It specifically manifests intwo aspects. First, the men and women lived in modern city materializelove, who regard affection as a survival tool. Second, the alienation ofaffection. Blood affection between family members in modern society isseverely distorted.Chapter Two explores the reasons why the author establishes theethical construction.The following three reasons leads her novels to“pragmatism"”. The first one is influence of Hong Kong urban culture.The colonization history which lasts almost one hundred yearsdisintergrates the traditional morals of Hong Kong society.Meanwhile,business culture and materialize the citizens. The second one is narrativetradition of ethical novels. In the history of literature “City”was born tobe criticized for its appearance, such as “Shang Hai” in the literature. It isthe same with “Hong Kong” in the novels. The characterise of ethics narration in modern city is shown signs in the writers of Mandarin Duckand Butterfly school, then it developes into pragmatism in Mao Dun andZhang Ai Ling’s novels. Yi Shu consolidates its feature of pragmatism.The third chapter discusses the ethical narrative strategy in Yi Shu’snovels. The most important thing is that Yishu break through thetraditional plot in romantic novels which is love—impeding—happyending. In Yishu’s novels, there are two main plots. The first one ismarriage crisis—self-reliance—new life;while the other is lonely girl—finding love—lonely freshman. As for the narration perspective, theinnovation is that make use of the first—person and the third—person.With reference to language, the paragraphs even the sentences is short, andthe words are easy to understand. That is called typical Hong Konglanguage mode.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ethics, Ethics Narration, Pragmatism
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