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The Enlightenment Significance Of Daily Life

Posted on:2013-04-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330374982314Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Reviewed her creation process, Tie Ning started her writing career when the literary world was dominated by Enlightenment literature, and therefore, undoubtedly her articles was influenced by enlightening narrative pattern at the very start. In her thirty years of creation course, the enlightenment meaning, instead of fading away, was blended into her novels and turned out to be an important significance. Comparing to general methods, Tie Ning took a distinctive path to express the enlightenment meaning; she merged it into narrating the daily lives. Owing to the family atmosphere in her childhood, the parents’idea in children cultivation and her life experiences in the countryside, she created this particular expression within her novels. Based on this argument, this paper aims to explore the enlightenment significance in Tie Ning’s novels by analyzing specific articles.There are four sections in this paper:The first section is designed to state several fundamental concepts, analyze the research achievements on Tie Ning’s novels, and illustrate the substance of this paper.The second section, by discussing the descriptions of the daily life, reflects people’s pursuits towards individual values in Tie Ning’s novel. With the analysis of Ah, Xiangxue, The Red Shirt Without Buttons, and Lonely Moon, this section depicts three enlightenments which are people’s yearning for civilization, persistence for individualism and pursuit for life value.The third section delivers the concerns to social vulnerable groups. Both material and physic predicaments will be deliberated and by analyzing Under the Tree, Encounter Week eight and How Long is Forever, the paper shows Tie Ning’s deep concern, love and sympathy for those people who are trapped in sufferings.With the illustration of Ben Hua, the fourth section explores the nation spirit which is reflected from the description of daily life. At first, she analyzes of the history appearance by everyday life in Ben Hua, and focus on the everyday life in historical gap. And then, she states the nation spirit from the villagers subconscious when they are threatened into nation crisis. Based on the pre-existing research achievements and the combination of daily lives and enlightenment, this paper aims to proclaim the characteristic significance in Tie Ning’s novel and expect to make a contribution in broadening research field of Tie Ning.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tie Ning, Daily Life, Enlightenment
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