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Form Performance In Painting The Value Of Modelling Language Characters

Posted on:2013-12-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330374953159Subject:Fine Arts
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In figure painting style performance, there is always the understanding andperformance difference. This and the human species unique to the different ways ofthinking about, this resulted in the painting sculpture on the different understanding andexpression, the understanding and performance experience, formed its method. At thesame time, a method in turn as the manifestation of the powered support. Here mustexplain is this article studies and discusses the character drawing problem is defined infigurative painting category.In the human figure painting history and modern figure painting on the stage with avariety of modeling method, for them to be examined afresh and study is necessary, thepurpose is to better the art creation and art education. Therefore, in this paperenumerates the present in the world the most widely used figure painting severalmodeling methods, and has carried on the detailed analysis and comparison, find the lagof root knot where, then, are derived as an excellent modeling method was rediscoveredand utilization possibility and necessity. On the analysis and comparison of thecharacteristics and advantages and disadvantages of other methods, this paper focuseson advocacy and is about to form the figure painting method and advanced nature. Amethod or system is advanced and has to be put in the artistic creation the same levelwere observed, it can afford to create the basic ability and conforms to the humanunderstanding of the law, to take up painting creation and art education of the dualmission.In this field the Europeans to do good to reveal and performance, in the seventeenthCentury European paintings reflect somewhat, especially in Rembrandt’s painting toshow more fully and improve, until nineteenth Century, the Europeans have made verygood summary, which in Cezanne and Matisse’s painting in highly stressed. But in themodern Europe has the expression method of lost. In the East, to the ancient Chinesestatues as the representative of the Han Dynasty, the Northern Wei and Tang Dynastysculptures and paintings are also used, as the representative of Chinese culture has avery high artistic value and artistic level.As a kind of excellent art modeling method is through long and arduous artistic practice have been formed, it must be passed " instinctive feel--rational analysis--dynamic performance of" big history verification process. At the same time, anotherkind of paranoia art method also is always going to be people habit after indefinitely toinherit and use. This behavior is consistent with human stubbornness is the material ’slaw of inertia, and does not conform to the law of art. It has a simple, conservative, lazynegative character. It is against the motion changes positive artistic behavior. But onething is certain, that it makes no sense to create and to art education is lag. The value ofart is creation, create form of change, and change is based on motion. For painting, is amovement to change the process: observation--feelings--performance. On the arteducation, is how to conform to the process of human cognition" feeling--------theconcept of perceptual representation." at the same time, grasp the art of observation andexpression of art. However, in our art education brings this dynamic active observationand performance into static and passive education behavior. Its root is not found and usea consistent with the law of artistic creation of the power resources. That is, a kind ofadvanced modeling methods and means. In the European form in painting had reachedpeak (seventeen--nineteenth Century), but the method of theory is still very limited,usually only in related works or painting tutorial has been mentioned; in our country arealso found in translations or writing star. In Mr. Shen Zhaorong," the human bodymodeling based on" as body painting tool book sense indirectly mentioned, only in thelight of the" Mr. show sketch searching" and Mr. Wang Xishan," sketches" as acomprehensive study of sketch based modeling methodology proposed and describedthe direct. This paper put forward and discussed the modeling method is based onphysical performance as art form the basis of training system and the physical meaningand form itself as the only reasonable image creation of factors sense formulation is thefirst (though, is the subject of figure painting category). As an art form based trainingsystem, it expanded Physical modeling method and extension of meaning; as the formitself, it presents and enhance the physical performance of their artistic value; as theimage created by the form factor significance, it found the image created by thereasonable kernel. The three part into the system and organic ground connection,formed the progressive cycle, end to end of the complete system.
Keywords/Search Tags:shape, structure, performance, painting language
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