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Responsibility Division And Management Of Translators In Market-Oriented Collaborative Translation

Posted on:2013-01-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ChenFull Text:PDF
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This thesis is to investigate the responsibility division and management of translators in the collaborative translation (CT) in the context of globalization and market economy while summarizing the translation project commissioned by Hunan Provincial Museum. It is written in line with the structure of translation practice report.As a regular model of translation, CT has played an important role in translation that ranges from the translation of Buddhist scripts in ancient China and the translation of the Holy Bible in the West to contemporary models of Network-based teamwork translation, covering such categories as scientific and technological documents, political documents and literary works. With the ever-increasing demand for rapid information conveyance nowadays, a growing number of works and documents are being translated through collaborative efforts. Combined with modern computer technology and the Internet, CT has made significant progress in recent years.However, it is with pity to note that few systematic researches and analyses have been made on CT. The existing researches on CT have lingered on the mere classification of collaborative modes such as Zhang张德让1999:25-27) and the review of translation history such as Zheng (郑延国1995:23-26) and even such researches are few in number. By contrast, more translators hold a skeptical if not negative attitude towards CT, represented by Newmark (2001:158). Such an attitude hinders the study of CT to a great extent.CT is a widely popular translation model in the translation practice of the world today because it minimizes the cycle of translation and accelerates the cycle of publication without lowering the quality of translation. Therefore, to ignore this important translation model or to dismiss it with contempt is certainly not conducive to the advancement of research and development of translation and also the improvement of CT quality.Currently, the language service market is developing rapidly and the translation profession is developing into a market-oriented industry. This thesis aims to launch an intensive research on the market-oriented CT from the perspective of project management to provide advice and suggestions in organizing and carrying out CT projects under the market environment.In the Introduction section, this thesis gives a brief introduction to market-oriented CT, including its definition and characteristics, and the status quo of the translation market.Chapter1will introduce the background information about the original texts, translation project commissioner, translation brief and characteristics of the original texts.Chapter2presents the translation task process, including translation team forming, preparatory work, project scheduling, quality control and evaluations, etc.Chapter3intends to investigate the management strategies in the translation project and how different roles in the project work together to keep the translators on the right track in terms of exerting their creativity and ensuring the consistency in style of the translated texts.This thesis appears more practical than theoretical in part because the existing researches on CT aim more emphasis on its practical application. Another reason is that it is a translation project report with many practical details. However, from personal experiences, the author sees the necessity of adopting a theory to guide CT practice and ensure the quality of the translated text. Therefore, the author suggests other scholars conducting further research on this subject to lay a theoretical basis for CT.
Keywords/Search Tags:translation project report, market-oriented CT, responsibility division of translators, project management
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