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Symbol And Painting

Posted on:2013-07-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330374454278Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper adopts the iconography and semiotics research methods, a typicalrepresentative of China in the1990s, the "Cynical Realism"(1)"Political Pop"(2)-FangLijun, Wang Guangyi typical works of two artists are part of the special symbols to use andthe relationship between painterly interpretation and analysis, standing on the practice’s pointof view of artistic creation, to analyze the relationship between them, trying to explain thesymbols contradiction between effectiveness and painting missing. point to an area, thefollowing conclusions:In the art, the selection of social symbols and popular elements to pay attention to itstimeliness, and symbols should be chosen with the distinctive characteristics and typical; thechoice of social symbols and popular elements of unity with the artist’s own creative concepts,not misappropriation of random replication; especially in easel paintings, are an indispensableelement of the effectiveness and painting of the symbol should maintain its identity andinnovation, the painting is not missing an important element.The paper also attempts to explain the two issues, one is to determine the standards andpractices in the social symbols and popular elements of selection and appropriation process;especially how to solve the artists we have seen the successful use of social symbols. thecontradiction between the concepts of validity and the lack of painterly problems.Today someof the paintings, mechanized, stylized, to conceptualize the use of symbols, its negativeeffects have been fully understood, or even an overreaction phenomenon for this type ofpainting, from the perspective of the practitioner’s objective stance Analysis.Secondly, the research perspective, but also need to pay attention to the difference between social symbols, popular elements with the times symbol, on the one hand, to payattention to the selection of social symbols appear side beyond the characteristics of the times,and concepts to convey the link between; the other hand, while certainly the performance ofsocial concern, urban living experience painting, emphasizing the easel painting, writing, inthe face of the challenges of the growing wealth of techniques and visual experience, paintingand art feel communication, effective and innovative exploration.Finally, we use special images and symbols at the same time, we need to pay attentionto symbols, images, spread itself and follow the lag problem.。 In other words, the socialelement in artistic creation and image symbols fashion elements with real-life social fact, isnot necessarily an exact match of, but today’s reason for this difference, not a symbol ofschemata heritage and lineage, but the subjective choice of the artist based on the needs of thecreative concept, such as many of the Cultural Revolution, the icon still appears in thepainting is an example.
Keywords/Search Tags:symbols, drawing, The concept
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