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"Fantasy" Symphony In The Value Of The Romantic Period To Explore

Posted on:2013-10-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X HanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Berlioz Hector Berlioz (1803-1869) the greatest composer, music writer, critics andconductor in France19th century. His works involve symphonies, the overture andvocal music. In the creation of the symphony, he created title symphony which was ofhigh ideological content and artistic quality. And he transformed the early symphonyboldly. it is such successful attempt that brought a fundamental transition in the artisticexpression and the development in the depth of social culture field from the romanticperiod to the period after the music. From1830s to1840s, he created a total of four titlesymphonies and among them the title symphony called Fantasy Symphony is the mostsuccessful. The birth of this work marks the title music into a new period.This work brings people countless disputation from its birth such as whether thetitle music will limit people’s much more understanding for the work while it is verypopular with people, what the purpose and value are to add a title to the work and so on.These questions make it necessary to make a study on the starter of this title work.The writer finds out that most studies on the work Fantasy Symphony created byBerlioz Hector Berlioz still focus on the surface of appreciation aspect especially onsome piece or certain pieces of this work through reading quite a lot relative materialsand literature. However, there are fewer studies on the tragic, special literariness and theaesthetic value. For the importance of this work which marks the foundation of the titlemusic, it will be not too much to do a lot of studies from many perspectives. Based onthis idea, this paper starts with the title music using history, comparative study,aesthetics, and work analysis comprehensively. Firstly, the position of romantic titlemusic should be fixed on the source of the title music. Secondly, we will make ananalysis on Fantasy Symphony in detail from two aspects. First, from technology level,we will make an analysis on Fantasy Symphony form music form and orchestrateaspects. Second, from culture level, we will make an analysis on the value except thework itself such as the literariness, strategy and so on and compare with other works toexplore the irreplaceable status and value to set a more exact position for this workamong those so many works.
Keywords/Search Tags:Berlioz, Title music, Fantasy symphony, Value
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