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Study On The Conditional Clause With "Chufei(除非)"

Posted on:2013-11-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371992872Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this paper, I mainly research on the sentence of " Chufei (除非)’’, I divide it into two types:containing sentence of " Chufei(除非)’’and extrapolating sentence of " Chufei(除非)”On the basis of studying a large number of corpus, I select typical sentences as my subject investigated. Discussing the characteristics of each type sentence of" Chufei(除非)" in the syntactic form, semantic nature and pragmatics, I proclaim the differences between the two types in the above dimensions. At last, I advance main new theory of the classification of the sentence of "Chufei(除非)’’, in essence what the Condition is and the Focus of the sentence of "Chufei(除非)”.Although there are always various concrete syntactical structures, they also have many similarities and space lacks for a detailed descrition of it. We just select typical sentences as my subject investigated. Besides, all sentences are Compound Clause.The corpus I use in this paper are mainly form the Corpus of CCL Peking University and Contemporary Fiction of Language and Language Education Research Center of Huazhong Normal University. This article is composed of three parts.Introdution:This part briefly introuces the subject matter and something about the writing, pointing out that the research status of the word of " Chufei(除非)" and the sentence of " Chufei (除非)", the train of thought, the amis, the methods, the steps and the significance of the study.Chapter One analysises and classifies the meaning of" Chufei(除非)’’, describes the complete semantic model frame of the sentence of "Chufei(除非)”.Chapter Two describes respectively the characteristics of containing sentence of " Chufei(除非)”in respects of syntactic structure, semantic nature and pragmatic. Chapter Three descries the characteristics of extrapolating sentence of " Chufei(除非)”in the same respects. Also compares the different characteristics between containing sentence of " Chufei(除非)”and extrapolating sentence of " Chufei(除非)”ia respects of syntactic structure, semantic nature and pragmatic.The last conclusion part I summarize the content of this article.
Keywords/Search Tags:containing sentence of "Chufei(除非)", extrapolating sentence of"Chufei (除非)", characteristics
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