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Exploration And Practice Of Modern Design Thinking Curriculum

Posted on:2013-03-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371982171Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the acceleration of the trend of economic globalization, the creative industriesshowing unprecedented development prospects. In this industry, environment andnational strategic context, the creative industries to the consumer demand of the humanspirit and creativity at the core, market-oriented, comprehensive combination ofeconomic, cultural, technological and artistic characteristics, it has moved from paintingsculpture, architecture, traditional culture, theater, dance and traditional areas such asthe rapid expansion to include new areas of the media of film and television, animation,network, games, entertainment and a variety of man-machine interactive media culture.In this context, the design professional should be adapted to the needs of society andthe demands of the times, further broadening of the caliber of the design professional toseek a new entry point to make up for the traditional design teaching their own flaws andshortcomings in the design of the teaching of thinking to establish a specialty disciplineand cultivate a sense of innovation talent.Firstly, from the Review and analysis of current art and design teaching, systematicanalysis of a common phenomenon in design education and design of teaching andimparting teaching mode of thinking; This leads to the merits of teaching design thinking.such as the model of the applied, the randomness of the curriculum, courses of designthinking can be developed; on this basis, the author further design thinking, teaching tofocus on the convergence of the basic course and follow-up courses, experience andinnovation of design thinking to focus on the curriculum; The focus of this paper is basedon 10 of the Department of Art, Chaoyang Teachers decorating professional, forexample design thinking curriculum teaching model as a case study, the specific design,design thinking teaching and teaching methods to introduce a new design mode ofthinking so that more students can learn and master. The new case studies in designteaching, good teaching, but there are inadequacies. I study is limited, we could not digout the deep value of design thinking, teaching in the proposed training is the experienceaccumulated by the author in teaching, so it is inevitable that the place of sweepingsuspected. However, the subject for the study of design thinking in art and design education system and its development has practical significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:design thinking, teaching mode, intellectual stimulation, of Interaction, curriculum practices
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