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Investigation On The Learning Strategies Of Chinese Primary Learners

Posted on:2013-07-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371969906Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Beginning in the 1970s, the center of the research about second languageacquisition have gradually turned from studies of teaching to learing.Strategies isincreasingly becoming an important part of the second language acquisition,especiallyfrom various angles to research second language learning strategies,which has beenbooming in this area and made many excellent research results.Today,Chinese arewidely warming on a global scale, Chinese as a second language research and analysis,showing a vigorous development trend .Ultimately, the investigate of Chinese as asecond language learning strategies, the ultimate goal is to improve the learningefficiency of TCFL and the quality of the majority of the students.With China’s economic development and overall national strength is growingstronger, more and more students in neighboring Japan, getting into China, not onlythe students whose own majors is Chinese, but also professional students and workingpeople .The learning strategies of the initial stage of learning Chinese affect theefficiency of their learning Chinese.Therefore, the study of Japanese foreign students’learning strategies can help to improve the relevance of Chinese teachers to teachingJapanese students, and use more effective teaching models and methods .This thesis is built on the research of second language learning strategies at homeand abroad .using Oxford Strategy Inventory for Language Learning ( slightlymodified ) by the method of the questionnaire, Japan Chinese primary learners inChina Youth university for Political sience and Beijing Foreign Studies University, thequestionnaire investigating is about the use of learning strategies research .Throughthis research, the following results : (1) primary learners of Japanese students in thetarget language environment,the most commonly used learning strategies aremetacognitive strategies,followed by compensation strategies and social policy,mostdo not use learning strategies are affective strategies, cognitive strategies, memorystrategies; (2) gender, the use of Chinese language learning strategies have some differences,men most commonly used learning strategy is social strategy,while thefemale most commonly used compensation strategies . (3) the difference of age,alsoaffect the use of Japanese foreign students’ learning strategies, learning strategies ofJapanese learners of Chinese between 18-20 years of age, the most commonly used isa meta- cognitive strategies ,the ones between 21-22 years of age learning strategiesmost frequently used compensation strategies.Meanwhile, according to the studentquestionnaire feedback, I made a brief statistical induction of Chinese learningstrategies,, and listed the top ten most frequently used learning strategies, resulting amore specific understanding.The thesis is divided into four chapters.The first chapter of the topics is writingabout the meaning and purpose, and Learning Strategies at home and abroad.Thesecond chapter describes the definition and classification of the different factions ofLearning Strategies.The third chapter is mainly explained the research design andimplementation of the program, and the survey results were analyzed . Chapter IV isthe full text of the summary,noting that the Institute of shortcomings and expectationsof follow-up study .
Keywords/Search Tags:Learning Strategies, Chinese learning, The primary level, Japanese students
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