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On Fan Guozhong’s Suona Art

Posted on:2013-04-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L ZhangFull Text:PDF
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Suona is a kind of national wind instrument with individual character which has a long history and popular in more extensive areas,which has various of rich skills and highly expressive. Before the foundation, Suona is used for weddings and funerals, temple worship and other activities in rural areas. After the foundation,the performance form of Suona is various, and many folk artists perform their music in solo form, Among them, the suona performer Zhaochunfeng、Zhaochunting、Yinerwen、Ren Tongxiang are more famous. Many aspects of Suona have made significant achievements whether in terms of the traditional music tracks of suona or or innovation composition; whether in terms of suona playing form or performance skills; whether in terms of academic theory or education experts on suona. Especially the older generation of suona educator, performer, they are conscientious, painstaking to the cause of suona. For example: the late suona performer as well as educator Zhao Chunfeng, Zhao Chunting, Hu Hai-Quan, Chen Jiaqi, etc., as well as the professors who make great contribution in major Conservatory such as Fan Guozhong, Hao Yuqi, Zhong Donghe, Wang Binglin, Wang Bingchen etc. They are our suona made great contributions to the causeThis paper focus on the suona skill study of the suona performer as well as educator, Fan Guozhong, and the article mainly consists of four parts (including the Introduction and Conclusion)The preamble summarizes current research on FanGuoZhong overview of the suona and artistic topics of origins and significance of the author, status,ideas,and methods.The first chapter maily analyses Fan Guozhong’s deep sense of affection of suona from the point of view on historical and cultural background of Fan Guozhong, and his loyalty to the cause of the suona as well as his significant contributionChapter Two discusses the suona artistic features of Fan Guozhong. First of all, discusses suona perfanmance art of Fan Guozhong from two aspect such as True shape ? affectionateness ? strong taste? and rhyme, harmonious sounds,verve. Meanwhile, this paper elaborates the teaching art of Fan Guozhong which roll visualization, theoretical, scientific, systematic teaching in to one by building up good foundation, inheriting tradition, developing innovative educational content through teaching methods of replacing skill exercise on basis of composition, oral teaching inspires true understanding, expressing vivid meaning by singing, appreciates his cutting-edge teaching. Finally, this paper elaborates creative art of the Fan Guozhong through his creative characteristics and subject matter, deeply experiences the diversity , creative flexibility of his work.The conclusion shows the significance value of the study on the suona art of Fan Guozhong.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fan guozhong, Suona, Teaching, Playing, Creative
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