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The Image Of Chinese Character Of Korean Historical TV Series After2000

Posted on:2012-02-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y T ChenFull Text:PDF
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China and Republic of Korea are close neighbors, they are both ancient peoples with five thousand years history. In history, the connection of political, economic and cultural between them was very tight. In modern, after the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Korea, they have rapid development in the relationship of political, economic, cultural and the other field. However, in this trend of close contacts, the sounds of disharmony between their people are growing day by day, chinese Tired of Korea clash with korean Anti-chinese hot, the hostility between their people are rising. In this case, In the paper, I used the Binary opposition principle of structuralism to study the image of chinese people of five hit korean historical TV series after2000,such as Queen Secondeok.The conclusion of my paper is:most of the image of chinese character in these five korean historical TV series are negative image.and in behind of this conclusion, I think there are three fundamental opposition between Ancient chinese suzerainty and Ancient korean vassal state, Ancient chinese powerful and Ancient korean vulnerable, chinese morally degenerate and korean high moral character. And I think profound historical and cultural reasons cause such image of chinese people appear on korean TV series.
Keywords/Search Tags:Korean historical TV series, The image of chinese character, The history of Chinaand Republic Korea, Binary opposition
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