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The Historical Complex Of Zhang Dai

Posted on:2013-01-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371491541Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Zhang Dai is a historian and writer in the late Ming and early Qing dynasty, because of lots of writings to be written, from self-proclaimed of the early years to show serious performance of social changes in his late years. Zhang Dai almost condense the most typical of the mentality of the late Ming doctor. The paper is from the angel of Shi Kui book specific inspection Zhang Dai’s book History of Complex profound, then show the ambivalence of the late Ming private repairing history, and the thought of life and history in during of changing dynasty.With Zhang Dai as the representative of the" cultural people" as Qing dynasty culture basic writing team, their idea and culture results plays a promoting role to the reconstruction of Qing culture and the reconstruction of the pattern of culture.Specifically, this paper discusses from three aspects:The first part mainly introduces Zhang Dai and his history, discussing the protagonist Zhang Dai how to be a brilliant literary star in this turbulent period, later for troubled times and family decline, finally left an desolate life. Late Ming social thought, humanistic atmosphere created Zhang Dai foppery and personages style, also stimulated him to write history.The second part is to write the history of Zhang Dai’s life comprehensive analysis of reasons, mainly from the family history spirit heritage, Jiang Su and Zhe Jiang region history tradition and geographical space of academic exchanges and cultural identity under the culture system of the early Qing Dynasty to writing history feeling expression. From much perspective, stereoscopic angels to display how to formatted Zhang Dai’s historical mood. Under the background of t late Ming Dynasty private rewriting history, Zhang Dai has complexity motivation. By reduction the complexity, gradually revealing late Ming’s changes on the intellectuals, this paper is aim to inspect why history can be a wisdom choice of people.The third part is to write the historical complex of Zhang Dai. Through the investigation of easy generation of ideological confusion, concepts of diversity, the persistent rumors, reflect history of the late Ming dynasty writing wanton and self-imposed. This highlights the eminent as a adherents to reshape how through history writing an imaginary world in the late Ming dynasty, and how the revisionist history as a right for tools and take political support platform. From the history of writing motivation and text summarized historical complex, adherents of complex, and to start to thinking about the reflection of the Ming Dynasty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhang Dai, The Historical Complex, Adherents of the Ming Dynasty
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