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Life Outlook Study From Liang Shuming’s Cultural Perspecitve

Posted on:2013-08-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C G WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371489208Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this thesis Liang Shuming’s philosophy thoughts on life is tried to be held on the whole throughanalysis of Liang Shuming’s life outlook on the basis of his thinking experience, mainly combing hiscultural philosophical thoughts from the theoretical perspective of cultural life. Liang Shuming’s culturallife theory way of pursuing life issue is explained in this thesis to discover positive meanings of his lifeoutlook thoughts and inspire the author’s life way from now on. In Liang Shuming’s thoughts, his lifephilosophy about cultural life is a theoretical perspective facing life issues and China’s issues.Thephilosophical starting point of Liang Shuming’s life outlook is mainly elaborated in this thesis and histhinking about life can not leave the whole cultural environment, which is the basis of his entire lifephilosophy. Liang Shuming’s life outlook takes his cultural thoughts as the main clue and he deems thatone’s most important life ideal profession is mainly embodied on two sides: to be responsible for one’s ownpresent life, others and the society.Liang Shuming’s pursuit of life issue runs through his thingking trains, for he examines minutely itsinner reason and pays close attention to people’s life connotations. Liang Shuming’s New Confucianismmainly restores true spirits of Confucius’ Confucianism and traditional Confucianism’s undertakingconsciousness. He integrates mainly Lu Jiuyuan and Wang Shouren’s disposition theory tradition ofTaizhou School, as well as Bergson’s life philosophy and India’s Buddism thoughts into his philosophicalthoughts of cultural life theory towards life thinking. Liang Shuming trys to find a real way out for Chinabecause he is at the center of New Culture Movement and has thoughts on existence crisis of traditionalculture. Liang Shuming starts his Oriental-western cultures studies and gives them philosophicalexplanations to construct life philosophy with his own characteristics as culture medium. Liang Shuming’scultural thoughts are life philosophy about activities and in real world’s life, these thoughts’ importantmeanings lie in their abundant affirmation of temporal life, getting along with all kinds of complexrelationships and pursuing of harmonious thinking state. Making a general survey of Liang Shuming’scultural outlooks and his concern of life issues, it can be found that he devotes his whole life to caring for temporal cultural life itself, discovering life’s inner meaning and by this starting point, unfolding hisattentions to China’ issues.In this thesis, Liang Shuming’s life outlook is analyzed through cultural life theory, focusing on hisdeep concern for life and culture in his life outlook. Most of Liang Shuming’s pursuits of life andcosmos’ meanings are considerations and insights on life’s value and significances. In his culturalperspectives, he comes and goes to Buddhism and Confucianism to solve life’s predicaments with hishistorical undertaking of looking for a way of settling down for all the human beings. Facing spiritsascriptions and reality’s way out issues, Liang Shuming tries all his life to integrate Confucianism andBuddhism’s ideas and on the base of culture, concern for life itself and create a new way of caring aboutlife, in the hope of responding to significances and values of life’s existence.
Keywords/Search Tags:Life, Activities, Culture, Lifeissues
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