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Demonstration Of Life In Sculpture Of Dingle 's Activities - Movement

Posted on:2016-01-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C H MiaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Jean Tinguely(1925-1991) is the world’s most famous Swiss sculptor and experimental artist on the second half of Twentieth Century. He was out of the art history of the creation of the original model to a new form of Art. Give each piece of art to life with his unique "movement". It is this movement in the art of life deeply touched me. Make me inspired and then extended their attention and Study on activity of sculptureThe first part of this paper through the detailed analysis of several forms of movement. Take examples of artists and their works that between early times and Tinguely’works to understand the basic features of activity sculpture.The second part focuses on Tinguely’ constantly practice and experimental methods. From childhood to early creation notes later mature works.’Homage to New York’is the most typical representative...
Keywords/Search Tags:Activity, Life
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