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On The Consumption And Happiness

Posted on:2013-11-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z J ChenFull Text:PDF
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Consumption is the important activities of one’s life. It can meet not only people’smaterial demand, but also spiritual needs and then realize one’s social existence andself-development. However, in modern life, how much the consumption is and whichthe level of the it are the reference index and evaluation standard of measuring people’ssocial status, viability and personal reputation. In order to be not inferior and gain morereputation, conspicuous consumption and excessive consumption have been a trend ofthe current society. People pursue the so-called status, success and even happiness inthe over-consumption. Such consumption style seems can prove one’s social value andachieve one’s survival happiness. Western consumerism doesn’t agree with that.Over-consumption caused a waste of resources, environmental damage and theemptiness of the people’s hearts which doesn’t bring happiness to people.Therefore, in order to achieve true happiness avoiding Western tragedy anddistortion consumption. This essay starts from intension of the consumption andhappiness, integrate the intension and historical development of the consumption andcompare understanding of the happiness in the view between Chinese and Western.Through the methods of comparison between Chinese and Western, examination of thehistory and analysis by synthesis, we prove the complementary relationship betweenthe consumption and happiness. According to it, this essay is based on four aspectswhich contain “Material consumption is the basis of the happiness”,“Spiritualconsumption is the motive of the happiness”,“over-consumption cannot bringhappiness” and “reasonable happiness can guide consumption”. Then we can get aclear understanding of the relationship between consumption and happiness.Based on this, this essay aiming at current abnormal consumption condition andcontradiction happy state in our country, analyze the reasons from the economy,culture, media and individual. Meanwhile, it resolves the problem from establishingthe reasonable consumption and happiness, ensuring the state institution, fully usingthe media and promotes harmony relationship between consumption and happiness.Then it guide we peruses higher happiness standard to achieve the happiness ofmankind.
Keywords/Search Tags:consumption, happiness, relationships, harmony
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