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Studies On The Transcendental Writing In Novels Of Canxue

Posted on:2013-11-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D J LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371469765Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Canxue is an extremely unique existence in Chinese contemporary literary world. As thechief commander of the "New experimental literature ", she has been committed to theexploration of human’s deep spiritual world. Her novels become the offbeat scenery in thecontemporary literature circles because of their strangeness, weirdness mysteriousness andgrotesque. Although there were no upsurges of the critical research of Canxue’s novels, theresearch on her continued unabated for more than twenty years. Since 2000, her novels havereceived more attention, which enlarged the research field and also added a more diversifiedangle of view of her novels. Although the critical research on her has gained fruitful results, it isstill not comprehensive and systematic solution of one problem: the cause of the obscenenessand abstruseness of CanXue’s novel. This paper, based on the large amount of text analysis,related the creation mode of Canxue’s transcendental writing from three dimensions: themysterious chaos intuitive writing, crushing, free narrative writing, philosophy, philosophy ofsymbolic writing. The transcendent writing of Canxue’s novels is not the westernTranscendentalism, it is a kind of unique art of form of her novels, that is, using intuition andsymbolic, exploring the deep spiritual world and artistic nature of free writing with the help ofintuition and symbol.The thesis includes four parts:In the Introduction part, I make an overview of the research results and the existingproblems of Canxue’s novels and at the same time put forward the problem to solve and theresearch value of this paper.The first chapter studies the intuition writing of Transcendentalism. This chapter mainlyanalyzes the tradition literature foundation of the text intuition writing of Canxue’s novels, theuse for reference on the Chan sect intuitive thinking of the intuition writing of Canxue’s novelsand mystical text of intuition writing. The creation purpose of Canxue’s novels is to explore thetranscendent subconscious world by taking examples by Chinese traditional Chan sect intuitivethinking. Her novels have a lot in common with the chaos intuitive thinking of Chan sect both in external form and in internal thinking mechanism. Intuitive writing text is irrational and illogical.This intuition writing answered the obscureness and abstruseness of Canxue’s novels from thetext form and writing mechanism.The second chapter is the transcendental narrative writing. This chapter mainly analyzes thepeculiarity of CanXue’s novel. The first section analyzes the external appearance of the narrativemaze with the conventional narrative theory of conventional narrative theory: lack of narrativeinformation, the anti-daily narrative logic, and the unstability and self-deconstruction ofnarration. The second section analyzes the art mystery hidden under the surface of its labyrinthnarration, namely the poetic narration of transcendental writing. The poetic narration is theidealized free narration. Transcendental narration writings further interpret the reason of theobscureness and abstruseness of Canxue’s novels from traditional narratology and newnarratology.The third chapter is the transcendental writing. This chapter analyses of CanXue’s novelcreation with the symbolic art of the textual world. By the means of metaphor and symbolicmeans, The writer realize the transcendental world visualization research. An abridged version ofthe image metaphor symbolization and setting regularity: dominant imagery and concomitantsexual imagery. The paper discusses metaphor symbol of CanXue’s novel because of its westernculture connotation, too many personal imagination, philosophical cognition intrinsic spiritproposition caused reading acceptance dilemma.In conclusion, this paper, based on the text analysis, discusses the transcendent writing ofCanxue’s novels from three perspectives. It not only pays attention to the study of the uniqueartistic value of Canxue in contemporary literature but also answers the question of herobscureness and abstruseness of her novels.
Keywords/Search Tags:Canxue, Transcendentalism, Intuition, Narrative, Symbolize
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