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The Study On Moral Knowing And Doing View Of Zhu Xi

Posted on:2013-05-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y PangFull Text:PDF
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In our history of 5,000 years of civilization, mature form in the laterNeo-Confucianism as Confucius, on the political, cultural and otheraspects has had a profound impact. Zhu Xi as a representative ofNeo-Confucianism, his thought has obtained the Ming and QingDynasties ruler’s approval, becomes the feudal society later period theofficial theory.Zhu Xi live in the early years of the Southern Song dynasty, theSouthern Song regime State of flux, Golden press step by step outside,break out of the peasant uprising. On the economy, business booms,causing people to gain blind Chase. In such a situation, Zhu tried to repairthe feudal morality to guide people’s actions. Regarding the moralknowledge and the moral practice relational question, Zhu Xi hasestablished a set of complete moral knowing and doing view. Theknowing and doing view is the ancient Chinese philosophy, the importantareas in pre-Qin period, Confucius, Xunzi and others on the moralknowledge and moral practices are discussed the relationship . During theSong dynasty, Cheng Yi, and Cheng Hao have carried on the speciallydiscussion to“the knowing and doing”Zhu Xi absorbs the Confucianist related“the knowing and doing”thought, also profits from Buddhism andin the Taoism thought foundation to form his own moral knowing anddoing view.On Zhu Xi’s theory of knowing, knowledge refers to theunderstanding of objective things, especially moral knowledge mainlyrefers to the people based on the moral awareness of ethical practice. ZhuXi was discussed in three aspects about the knowing and doing view. Forprecedence, Zhu Xi’s view known, rows in the back. Knowing must firstis morality can be carried out on the basis of fulfillment of morality. Theview of knowing and doing on a subject, knowing first, doing comes larer,this is no suspicious circumstances. Knowing first, doing after, in ZhuXi’s opinion is the undeniable truth. Regarding the weight relations, ZhuXi thought the behavior is heavy, knows lightly for. Although the moralsstep must rely on the moral knowledge, Zhu Xi did not think the moralknowledge is more important. Moral standards such as loyal filial pietyjustice and humanity fulfilling, on first all may not emphasize one thingon the expense of another. Sends the knowing to energetically put intopractice, by its priority, solid so that when knows for first. Howeverdiscusses its weight, when then take energetically puts into practiceheavily as. So, Zhu Xi on the knowing and doing’s relation, indeeddecides as clearly as knowing first, the behavior is heavy. In Zhu xi’sopinion, although there are first and the weight, they are not separated, they are closely linked as a whole. Combination of knowing and doing isa general principle of Zhu Xi view of moral knowledge.“Knowing anddoing is always required, just as no feet, no walking and no eyes noseeing. Zhu Xi compares the relations of knowing and doing with the footand eye, without the moral knowledge instruction, people are unable tocarry on the moral practice correctly. And without the moral practice, themoral standard is unable to obtain the realization, the moral knowledgeand the moral practice promotes mutually. Zhu Xi’s knowing and doingview affects profoundly to the later generation, such as Chen Chun, LuoQin Shun and so on all inherited and develop the thought that knowingpromoted mutually with doing, but Wang Shouren the kernel in carried onthe critique to the Zhu Xi knowing and doing view in the foundation topropose the unity of knowledge and action.The study of Zhu Xi’s knowing and doing moral view is still of greatsignificance for our contemporary social construction that can helppeople improve their moral training, the formation of a good socialclimate conducive to the establishment and improvement of the socialistmoral system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhu Xi, Knowledge, Action, moral knowing and doing view
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