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Impact Of Cultural Identity Upon Foreign Students’ Motivation About Learning Chinese

Posted on:2013-10-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371466275Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Language teaching is interdependent and inseparable from culture teaching. It must be a failure if a teacher only teaches language not talking about culture. Teaching culture in the Language class is not mechanical or blind. The focus of this paper is on how to choose the appropriate cultural forms in class, to deepen the degree of students’ understanding of cultural identity; and the degree of cultural identity to what impact upon students’motivation to continue learning Chinese.This article is on the basis of the questionnaire for foreign students learning Chinese, during the process of learning Chinese through their interest and understanding of Chinese culture, it combined with the cultural identity and motivation theories, explored that cultural identity is higher, motivation of learning Chinese is better. It also gave some advice for class teaching:it is the teacher that had a great influence on the students in learning Chinese as a foreign language, I hope our teachers continuously improve their literacy; in the teaching process, teachers should introduce Chinese culture to students from multiple channels and angles, to meet their demand of Chinese culture as much as possible.I hope this article on cultural identity and study of learning motivation of Chinese is helpful, and teachers can make use of curiosity and longing of students about Chinese culture, then fully mobilize the learning interest and motivation of learning Chinese. It can provide theoretical basis to achieve tangible results in the teaching Chinese as a second language.
Keywords/Search Tags:cultural identity, foreign students, Chinese, learning motivation
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