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Study Of Christopher Nolan’s Art Of Film Directing

Posted on:2013-03-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q JiaFull Text:PDF
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Films directed by Christopher Nolan, wrapped up in the name of Hollywood,integrate his ultimate reflection on the nature of film, human nature and life. The senseof guilt in human nature is a consistent theme in his films. In the advancement of theplot and the emotional entanglement of film characters, the complexity of human natureis revealed, the messiness of modern society is presented, and the selfishness andcowardice of human nature are questioned. With suspense as a narrative technique, thecharacteristics of visual and audio language are employed to enhance the suspense andurgency of his stories.Noland pursues a non-logical way of representation. With non-linear editingtechnology, traditional narrative logic was broken and new shots sequence wasestablished. In the seemingly confused shots, the inner relation and between shots andthe connotation are revealed. Also he utilizes the flexibility of time and space in film tocreate a special dimension and employs a confusing editing of time and space to givemore narrative tension, more psychological meaning and philosophical connotation to asimple story. In the free creation of time and space in a film, his philosophical thinkingabout life and world is expressed through the re-creation of time and space as well asthrough the language of the film, building an individual film time-space with a newlogical thinking. Philosophical knowledge and theoretical system are employed toanalyze the Nolan’s philosophical speculation regarding the existence of time and man.The core pursuit of Nolan’s films is to take psychological realism of characters asthe point of departure, to enrich the content of the narration through film language by presenting thespace in which characters live and the time of feasibility, thus forming a multi-layered style of narration.Through the depiction of different personalities and the revelation of actions on the part of characters, theconflict between ideal and reality is represented.Christopher Noland’s films comprise Freudian psychoanalytical, psychological andphilosophical speculations. With sounds, pictures and images that are in motion,psychological and philosophical implications are inserted into characterization and thenarrative process for the depiction of the dilemma of life and the choice of soul as wellas for the exploration of deep human nature. The philosophical breadth and depth ofNoland’s films constitute an innovative and full interpretation at the ontological level ofthe film.
Keywords/Search Tags:Artistic Style, Psychoanalysis, Psychology, Philosophy, Time and Space
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