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A Study On He Lin’s Philosophy Of Life-from The Perspective Of "Space-time" And "Hyperspace-time"

Posted on:2014-11-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330425979530Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The premise critique of He Lin’s philosophy of life emphasizes altering theinterpretative principle established by the original conceptual framework and innovation. Theidea of space-time, which is closely related to our way of being and the ultimate question,comes into He Lin’s view in the form of intermediary, the “philosophy of life” is thereforeunderstood as a kind of inverted theoretical criticizing to the living condition of human beingswho are living in “life”. The concept of such space-time is not an abstract whole; it internallycontains the basic “space-time” and “hyperspace-time” dimensions. The fixed and limited“space-time” is the natural law of how natural knowledge and natural behaviors in life arepossible, while the universal and eternal “hyperspace-time” approaches us to theself-conscious state of metaphysics. Construction of the binary framework by He Lin inheritsand develops from the theory of Kant. On one hand, He Lin expands Kant’s moral practiceinto generalized emotional activity of human beings, and attaches it to the standard and scaleof “space-time”; on the other hand, he asserts that through the inherent “intellectual intuition”,we are able to experience “hyperspace-time” in our inner feelings, use of reason, and pursuitof state. Finally, according to the Confucian tradition of “learning the philosophy and essencefrom the ordinary things and objects”, He Lin proposes that the finite life can constantly tendto infinite, and the understanding of infinite can only be restricted and confined in the realmof finiteness. It is because that the dual nature between freedom and certainty, ideal and realityis internally contained in life. Therefore, through the cross and round between “life” and“natural”, the distinction between phenomenon and things is truly and normally eliminated,the perfect picture of life is then presented.
Keywords/Search Tags:He Lin, Philosophy of Life, Space-time, Hyperspace-time
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