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Design And Application Of Digital Epidemiological Investigation Management Information System

Posted on:2014-02-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2234330398993806Subject:Social Medicine and Health Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective: The project through a district Center for Disease Control ofBeijing (hereinafter referred to as "CDC") epidemiological survey ofinformation technology situation thoroughly and objectively analyze thecurrent flow used for wireless transfer system can not meet the business needsof a variety of factors work. Designed and constructed a set of managementmodel to adapt with the area of digital epidemiology management informationsystem (hereinafter referred to as "digital flow adjusting management system")and put it to use promotionally, to raise the overall quality of the data and theanalysis of the epidemiological investigation, to improve the comprehensiveutilization of epidemiological findings, then improve the status of workmanagement epidemiological investigation.Methods: On the basis theory of public health science, informationscience and management science, this study using documentary research tounderstand the development of domestic epidemiological investigation; usingfield investigation to learn the area currently workflow and results utilizesituation, analysis of the information needs of the epidemiologicalinvestigation; using the method of expert interview to understand the area ofinfectious diseases prevention and control operating mechanism to evaluateconstruction of digital feasibility of epidemiological survey managementsystem; using a structured method and rapid prototyping to design and applydigitized Epidemiology investigation management system.Results:1The current normal work flow adjustment mainly through professionalinvestigations fixed content format, field inquiries and manual excerpt medicalrecords and other processes to complete, which somehow caused the surveydata, non-standard, non-standard, subjectivity and other issues; Second, when there is a sudden outbreak requires the same time, sustained, multi-pointepidemiological investigations of various populations, the traditionalpaper-based survey revealed inefficiencies table, data transfer is not timelyand accuracy is poor, you can not fully utilize the existing resources and otherissues, and now with the stand-alone version of wireless streamingconditioning system could not constitute a unified command platformepidemic; Third, the long-term accumulation of epidemiological data becomestatic Retired "dead file" a lot of investigation into meaningful data wasshelved, the latter statistical analysis and use of shared again be significantlyconstrained. On this basis, proposed the construction of grass-roots workersinfectious digitized stream management system needs adjusting.2The area of infectious diseases prevention and control work follow the"Area of leadership responsibilities, duties integration point, managementgrid" and other concepts, has formed the government-led public health,territorial co-ordination, the functional industry, social participation,"four inone" condominium model, is the effective operation of "three-line four-area"working mechanism.3Constructed in this study digitized stream transfer management systemis divided into nine sub-modules. For all common tasks and tasks currentlycarried out restructuring and optimization, including routine monitoringmodule, epidemiological investigation module, report management module;aging in order to ensure a high evaluation to predict the epidemic preventionand control of the situation and build knowledge management module,performance evaluation module, data integration and interface services systemmodules; according to functional structure, increasing the rights managementmodule, configuration and monitoring system modules, application supportplatform module.4Digital epidemiological survey management system monitoring modulefor conventional TB control are carried out in the test run, the practicalapplication shows that the system has a high degree of data sharing,practicality and safety features. Conclusions:1To enhance the prevention and control of infectious diseases servicelevels, improve management efficiency epidemiological survey of cases,disease prevention and control workers to adapt to the requirements ofconstruction of digital epidemiological survey management system isimperative.2The introduction of third-party technical support system developmentthrough a structured program design, the background using large Oracledatabases, front using Web technology and Android system developmentbased on B/S architecture Digital epidemiological survey management system.The system has shared a high degree of security, flexibility, practicality andease of maintenance etc., to achieve the objectives of the R&D requirements.3The CDC information technology projects as an important part of thedigital stream management system tune practical application shows that thesystem’s use and promotion of improved management of infectious diseaseprevention and control of the overall capacity, improved case managementservice utilization levels, driven by the entire field of public healthinformation management level.In short, the digitized epidemiological investigation management(DESMIS) work is feasible, and has obvious effect. This study carries outthe foundation for the information technology industry in public health.
Keywords/Search Tags:digital, monitoring, management, information system, epidemiological investigation
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