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The Value Of MRI About The Spinal Cord Tumor

Posted on:2014-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2234330398493860Subject:Medical imaging and nuclear medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective: primary space-occupying lesions in the spinal canal is refers tothe primary in the spinal cord, meninges, nerve root and various tissues ofintra-spinal canal tumors and other lesions, a placeholder effects with a fewplaceholder effect of tumor lesions (hematoma, vascular malformation, andparasitic infections, etc.), with the development of magnetic resonance (NMR)technology, MR technology with the continuous development of hardware andsoftware improvements obtained by leaps and bounds development, especiallythe functional magnetic resonance FMRI) technology in recent years is widelyused in clinical diagnosis and scientific research, highlights the importance offunctional magnetic resonance (NMR) technology, magnetic resonanceimaging (MRI) in the spinal canal space-occupying lesions qualitativepositioning is a kind of superior to computed tomography (CT) is the mostaccurate imaging diagnostic methods. Positioning the qualitative aspects ofMRI in spinal canal space-occupying lesions is a superior to computedtomography (CT) is the most accurate imaging diagnostic methods, in order toevaluate the MRI value in the diagnosis of space-occupying diseases withinthe spinal canal, MRI of spinal canal and improve our diagnosis anddifferential diagnosis of space-occupying diseases, this research for theapplication of MRI in spinal canal space-occupying diseases and value areanalyzed;Methods: a retrospective analysis of our hospital in2010during theNovember to may,2012confirmed by MRI and pathology after surgeryspecimens of80patients with space-occupying intra-spinal canal diseasehospital information, summarizes its MRI features. All patients were using ourSiemens1.5T superconducting MRI imaging scanner to check, take thesupine position, spine on the surface of the coil, using fast spin echo sequence,t1-weighted sagittal imaging, T2weighted sagittal a merger cross sectional imaging; Enhancement scan by routine t1-weighted sagittal a merger crosssectional imaging. Unified intravenous contrast agent when GD-DTPAmmo10.1/kg according to the proportion. Results focus on observing thespace-occupying lesions in MRI image’s size, location, shape, abnormal signalchange and the influence of pathological changes of spinal cord, afterenhancement scanning image mainly observe the strengthening characteristicsof signals. All data using SPSS16.0statistical software for processing, and allmeasurement data are used (plus or minus s) said, with T test between groups,using frequency count data description, the chi-square test was used to P <0.05for the difference was statistically significant.Results:12cases intramedullary space-occupying diseases, of which theastrocyte tumors,8cases of ependymoma in4cases. Lesions in10cases ofpatients with cervical thoracic segments, including4cases of astrocyte tumorsinvaded to medulla oblongata; Lesions located in only2cases of thoraciclumbar segment, for astrocyte tumors. Lesions occupying scope is larger,except4cases of ependymoma only occupy four of the vertebral segmentsection of outside, the rest of the lesions, respectively accounted for7~10segment of vertebral segment. Medullary space-occupying diseases in60cases of outer membrane, including30cases of schwannoma, meningioma in10; Embryonal tumors in16cases,4cases were teratoma, respectively, and12cases of dermoid cyst; Another4cases of chronic subdural hematoma.Schwannoma and meningioma, cervical thoracic segments in the most rare,and a total of34cases, the rest of the6cases were located in the chest andwaist segment;18cases with one side intervertebral foramen;6cases lesionsis dumbbell shape. While dermoid cyst and teratoma lumbar segment and8cases of lumbosacral segment all in8cases,1cases of lesions located in thecervical segment.4cases of chronic subdural hematoma were located in necksection, cross section is a typical "spindle". Medullary outer membranespace-occupying diseases occupy the scope is relatively limited, except2cases of meningioma pathological changes account for12vertebral segmentsection, the rest of the lesions were only takes1~3vertebral segment section. All60cases of medullary space-occupying diseases MRI images are visiblewithin the outer membrane of lateral spinal canal exist lump, and on the sameside of the proximal widened subarachnoid are more apparent, with varyingdegrees of shift of the spinal cord compression performance.8casesmedullary space-occupying diseases outside the outer membrane, aremetastatic tumors,6cases with a history of lung cancer,2cases had history ofskin cancer. All8patients with lesions are located in the thoracic segments, ofthe vertebral segment are relatively limited, only1~2vertebral segment;T1WI low signal in T2WI showed high signal; All visible tumors had damageto the surrounding bone significantly, among them2cases also visible leapingvertebral anomaly signal; GD-DTPA enhancement are both characterized bysevere inhomogeneous enhancement. Incidence by magnetic resonanceimaging (MRI) slices were make the correct preoperative diagnosis. Threetypes of spinal canal space-occupying diseases diagnosis coincidence rate is asfollows in table2and table3shows, three sets of diagnostic coincidence ratewas no significant difference, P>0.05).Conclusion: magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the spinal canal thelocalization and qualitative diagnosis of space-occupying diseases have veryhigh value on differential diagnosis.
Keywords/Search Tags:MRI, Spinal canal space-occupying diseases, diagnosis
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