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Modified Operation And Comprehensive Analysis Of Diagnosis And Management Of Medulloblastoma

Posted on:2013-08-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D H WuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
ObejectiveMuduloblastoma is a common malignant glioma in posterior skull fossa, it is so named because its shape resembles as mudulloblastocyte in fetal period. Due to fast growth, high intracranial pressure and the compressed brain stem, medulloblastoma is difficult to be resected by operation. The objective of this thesis is to explore the clinical feature, microsurgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and clinical effect of medulloblastoma, and to improve the comprehensive therapeutic effect of it.Materials and MethodsRetrospectively analyze the clinical cardinals, imaging findings, surgical effects, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, bypass surgery, postoperative complications and follow-up results of115medulloblastoma cases received microscopic surgical treatment and have complete medical records.Results:Among the115patients,86(74.8%) had total tumor resection,19(16.5%) had subtotal resection and7(6.1%) had partial resection of the tumors,3(2.6%) patient died after the surgery. Short-term complication after surgery including: dysphagia (10cases), facial paralysis (4cases), diplopia (5cases), limb weakness (3cases), cerebellar mutism (1case), pulmonary infections (12cases), stress ulcer (12cases), intracranial infection (9cases), subdural effusions (2cases), effusion beneath the perinephrium (5cases) and hydrocephalus (25cases). ConclusionThe total removal of tumor with the application of microsurgery, adequate early-term postoperative whole brain-posterior cerebral concave-spinal cord radiotherapy and chemotherapy can prolong the survival time of the patients. appropriate posterior concave bone reformation and the replacement of the bone can reduce the postoperative complications such as cerebrospinal fluid leakage after conventional open skull operation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Medullublastoma, Microsurgery, Modified operation
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